Opportunities and challenges posed by Corona in the generational transition

Oppor­tu­ni­ties and challenges posed by Corona in the genera­tio­nal transition

Family businesses are a genera­tio­nal project. Only if it is possi­ble to successful­ly pass on entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­si­bi­li­ty to the next genera­ti­on will the family business project remain alive. Even though family businesses are once again proving their abili­ty to act in the pande­mic era, their most diffi­cult chall­enge has , the genera­tio­nal change, tnevert­hel­ess has not lost any of its explo­si­ve power. It may sound surpri­sing, but now is a parti­cu­lar­ly good time to imple­ment the genera­ti­on change. The Corona pande­mic provi­des many reasons to actively tackle compa­ny succes­si­on right now

Giving the NEXT genera­ti­on a chance

Why not eleva­te the next genera­ti­on to the forefront of leader­ship at this diffi­cult time and imple­ment the genera­tio­nal shift now? The effects of the pande­mic are so serious that they cannot be solved with years of experi­ence alone. Among other things, new impul­ses are needed for the future. Digita­li­sa­ti­on and globa­li­sa­ti­on are changing the founda­ti­ons of business, work and life. The readi­ness for constant renewal and adapt­a­ti­on thus moves to the centre of future action. The Corona pande­mic is unspo­ken­ly incre­asing the scope for action and respon­si­bi­li­ty in many family businesses. A test for the succes­sors that is suita­ble as good prepa­ra­ti­on for the genera­tio­nal change.

Invoking the entre­pre­neu­ri­al spirit 

A high level of identi­fi­ca­ti­on with the company’s histo­ry, flat hierar­chies with short decis­i­on-making proces­ses, respon­si­bi­li­ty and sustainable manage­ment: The Corona pande­mic has shown what distin­gu­is­hes real entre­pre­neur­ship from manage­ment. Above all, fair and sustainable human resour­ce manage­ment pays off in times of crisis. Your employees are your greatest asset! They engage or reinvent themsel­ves. They develop creati­vi­ty and above-avera­ge commit­ment that have not been seen before. Together we can alrea­dy recog­ni­se today what problem there will be to solve tomorrow.

The poten­ti­al for trust built up over many years with custo­mers and suppli­ers as an opportunity 

Even before the outbreak of the Corona pande­mic, it was true that those who are prepared to assume full liabi­li­ty with their proper­ty and reputa­ti­on build credi­bi­li­ty and trust. In such a crisis, this leap of faith pays off especi­al­ly well. This enorm­ous trust cushion vis-à-vis custo­mers and suppli­ers simpli­fies the process of initia­ting something new.
The virtu­al visibi­li­ty of your compa­ny is now crucial. Classic ways of maintai­ning custo­mer relati­ons have comple­te­ly fallen away. In times of crisis, there are hardly any custo­mers or suppli­ers who are not affec­ted by the crisis. Address them. To streng­then mutual trust, you should also address your own diffi­cul­ties, such as delivery bottlenecks.

Using the moment of change for genera­tio­nal change

A crisis is not only an existen­ti­al threat to a compa­ny, but also a time for reori­en­ta­ti­on and diver­si­ty. It is precis­e­ly now that a cross-genera­tio­nal approach can bring the answer to new challenges.
In a crisis, the condi­ti­ons for change in a compa­ny are better than in “normal times”. Those who use these condi­ti­ons in a crisis as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to impro­ve their own compe­ti­ti­ve­ness emerge stron­ger from this period and secure greater corpo­ra­te success in the long term.

The family constitution 

A family consti­tu­ti­on is one of the most important precau­ti­ons to ensure the long-term survi­val of the entre­pre­neu­ri­al family. Rules formu­la­ted in good time, set down in writing and accept­ed by all in the family ensure that stabi­li­ty is maintai­ned, commu­ni­ca­ti­on is secured, conflic­ting interests are respec­ted and conflicts are preven­ted.
Of course, a family consti­tu­ti­on is not a panacea and cannot comple­te­ly rule out legal dispu­tes within a family of share­hol­ders. But it has been proven to lead to a signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in intra-family litiga­ti­on. This is precis­e­ly why we support our clients in the Corona pande­mic in drafting them.

This extra­or­di­na­ry situa­ti­on challenges everyo­ne invol­ved beyond what has gone before. The timing is better than it seems. So grab it. KERN Business Succes­si­on. More successful. will be very happy to support you in this!

Image: Fotolia.de

TIPS for further reading: 

Selling a business - How to increase the value of your business 

How does the sale of a mecha­ni­cal enginee­ring compa­ny succeed in Corona times?

MBI - Success model for corpo­ra­te succession