The abstrac­ted dolphin in the KERN logo. Special features, trans­fera­ble to business life

Why does KERN have the dolphin in the compa­ny logo with two “bows”?
Why is a dolphin a good fit for business succession?

1. flexi­bi­li­ty

Seek soluti­ons, constant­ly questio­ning themsel­ves. When dolphins don’t get what they want, they change their ways very quickly.

2. questi­on

Disso­cia­ti­on and taking meta-positi­ons in strategy development

3. tough­ness

Dolphins do not give up easily. Unless they see a benefit in it - in terms of a better solution.

4. winning

Dolphins enjoy winning. Their brain is capable of emotio­nal feelings. Managers who act accor­din­gly do not feel the need for someone else to lose.

5. coope­ra­ti­on

Dolphins work well with others, but also act compe­tent­ly on their own. Coope­ra­ting brings more in the aggre­ga­te than compe­ting or independent­ly seeking priva­te advantage.

6. vision

Visions of one’s own path, of the team’s goal or of the company’s goal are the first thing to create identi­fi­ca­ti­on with a goal.

7. elegan­ce

Dolphins love precise, clean and above all simple ? elegant ? soluti­ons. soluti­ons. Elegant negotia­ti­on means, for examp­le, that the soluti­on must lead to long-term satis­fac­tion for both parties and make sense.

Note on the histo­ry of the dolphin in the KERN brand logo: 

In 2004 until the begin­ning of 2023, we had equip­ped our brand logo with a styli­sed, jumping dolphin. As part of our further inter­na­tio­na­li­sa­ti­on and a relaunch of our brand logo and subli­ne, we have stron­gly “moder­nis­ed” and abstrac­ted the dolphin. The two dynamic arcs above the N now symbo­li­se the dolphin from KERN’s history.

More interes­t­ing things in the book ?dolphin strate­gies? by Dudley Lynch and Paul Kordis (can be ordered under ISBN number 3-89459-009-2 / Business­book of the year in the USA). Here, by the way, you will also find the list of all dolphin charac­te­ristics on page 289 ff.

And KERN has been an active support­ing member of the Socie­ty to Save the Dolphins for years.

The Socie­ty for the Rescue of Dolphins (Gesell­schaft zur Rettung der Dolphi­ne e.V.) campaigns world­wi­de for wild dolphins, the protec­tion of their habitats, for sustaina­bi­li­ty, marine conser­va­ti­on, gentle dolphin tourism and against dolphinaria.

Further, general infor­ma­ti­on about dolphins can be found in a documen­ta­ti­on > here