
KERN-System GmbH is commit­ted to keeping this website up to date and accura­te. Should you nevert­hel­ess encoun­ter anything that is incor­rect or out of date, we would appre­cia­te it if you could let us know. Please indica­te where on the website you read the infor­ma­ti­on. We will then look at this as soon as possi­ble. Please send your respon­se by email to: info@kern-unternehmensnachfolge.com.

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KERN-System GmbH shall make every reasonable effort to protect its systems against any form of unlawful use. KERN-System GmbH shall imple­ment appro­pria­te techni­cal and organi­sa­tio­nal measu­res to this end, taking into account, among other things, the state of the art. However, it shall not be liable for any loss whatsoe­ver, direct and/or indirect, suffe­r­ed by a user of the website, which arises as a result of the unlawful use of its systems by a third party.

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If you have any questi­ons or problems with the acces­si­bi­li­ty of the website, please do not hesita­te to contact us.