Are you curious about KERN as an adviso­ry brand and partner­ship system?

Compa­ny succes­si­on as a success concept for advisors in the DACH region and Europe. Live a free and self-deter­mi­ned entre­pre­neur­ship in a circle of like-minded entre­pre­neurs. KERN is a certi­fied and offici­al member of the German Franchise Association.

German Customer-Awards 2024

A fair and trans­pa­rent system for joint success in advising on business succes­si­on in family businesses

The KERN ? System Partner­ship Licence is the business concept for services and products related to business succession

Compa­ny sale

Genera­ti­on change

Compa­ny acquisition

Holger Haber­mann
I have been a KERN partner for many years and would enthu­si­a­sti­cal­ly make the same profes­sio­nal decis­i­on every day! 
KERN Partner in Munich and Deputy Chair­man of the Adviso­ry Board of KERN-System GmbH

Dr Peter Slawek

This challen­ging consul­tancy for family businesses fulfils me every day. I would never have thought that I could be so successful with KERN in such a short time?
KERN partner in Essen and country sponsor for KERN in Poland

Ingo Claus

With KERN, I am a 100% entre­pre­neur. The system partner­ship gives me all the oppor­tu­ni­ties and growth possi­bi­li­ties I have always been looking for. At eye level with our clients and colleagues.?

KERN partner in Osnabrück

Why we do what we do:

Ingo und Claus - Partner von Kern

At KERN, we belie­ve that our daily work has the purpo­se of mindful­ly preser­ving, trans­mit­ting and trans­fer­ring the multi-layered values of family businesses into the future.

This is our concre­te contri­bu­ti­on to the preser­va­ti­on and develo­p­ment of values in society.

Values in the sense of attitu­de, being human, respon­si­bi­li­ty, respect, entre­pre­neur­ship, socie­ty, jobs, materi­al assets, identi­fi­ca­ti­on, democra­cy and securi­ty. And also econo­mic and moneta­ry values.

All over the world, family businesses stand for concre­te and tangi­ble values in coope­ra­ti­on and respon­si­bi­li­ty for a social market econo­my. Family businesses are an important link in socie­ty and create stabi­li­ty and prospe­ri­ty in a society.

Our desired profi­le for future KERN experts:

  • Experi­ence in advising small and medium-sized compa­nies, proven M&A exper­ti­se or training is a great advan­ta­ge (We recom­mend e.g. support­ing Ellip­sis ‚SME consul­tant, IHK certi­fi­ca­te in succes­si­on counsel­ling or the Frank­furt School of Finan­ce - without any valuation)
  • Networks / contacts to associa­ti­ons and organi­sa­ti­ons, regio­nal networking
  • High level of indepen­dent commit­ment, profes­sio­na­lism and dedica­ti­on, exten­si­ve sales experience
  • Proces­su­al thinking and acting
  • Leader­ship and modera­ti­on skills
  • Ideal­ly experi­ence as a coach/ trainer or facilitator
  • Confi­dent in negotia­ting at eye level with business owners
  • If appli­ca­ble, focal points of compe­tence within a sector
  • Team-orien­ted work in a network
  • Perma­nent readi­ness for further training
  • Identi­fi­ca­ti­on with the CORE ? Corpo­ra­te mission
  • Focusing on 100% on the topic of business succes­si­on - alter­na­tively a close connec­tion as a KERN consul­tant to a KERN partner location.
  • Optio­nal: Perfect language skills for European count­ries outside of the DACH region for setting up KERN country subsidiaries.

Write KERN founder Nils Koerber personally

Your possi­ble interest and background and motiva­ti­on in a cooperation: