Company sale wholesale/construction

Willem­sen GmbH - Compa­ny sale

Company sale Willemsen GmbH

About the company 

For more than 60 years, Willem­sen GmbH has been known throug­hout North Rhine-Westpha­lia as a compe­tent and relia­ble partner for the building trade.

The company’s range of services includes in parti­cu­lar the areas of construc­tion machi­nery, construc­tion tools, construc­tion access­ories, contai­ners and trans­port equip­ment. In recent decades, the compa­ny has acqui­red parti­cu­lar exper­ti­se in the field of construc­tion and plaster profiles as a partner of Protek­tor­wer­ke Florenz Maisch GmbH & Co.KG.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Partner­ship-based, lasting relati­onships with custo­mers and suppli­ers, as well as always compe­tent advice and very high delivery capabi­li­ty and quali­ty have led to the company’s excel­lent reputa­ti­on in the regio­nal market.

The task 

The sole owner of Willem­sen GmbH, Mr. Dirk Willem­sen, was seeking a compa­ny succes­si­on due to his age. A genera­ti­on change within the family was out of the question.

The core business of the compa­ny consists of the smooth coope­ra­ti­on with one of the largest manufac­tu­r­ers for the field of building profiles and plaster profiles for decades. More than 40 % of Willem­sen GmbH’s annual sales are reali­sed through the smooth sales perfor­mance as well as the storage and logistics of this manufacturer’s products.

It there­fo­re made sense to first talk to this indus­tri­al partner about the Willem­sen family’s planned business succession.

Mr. Dirk Willem­sen was parti­cu­lar­ly concer­ned about the conti­nua­tion of the entire business opera­ti­on in Duisburg with over 10 employees. The soluti­on was to integra­te a managing partner with opera­tio­nal respon­si­bi­li­ty. KERN ? Unternehmens­nachfolge succee­ded in finding an entre­pre­neu­ri­al MBI candi­da­te with experi­ence in logistics.

In additi­on to the actual transac­tion, not incon­sidera­ble hurdles had to be cleared in connec­tion with pensi­on commit­ments granted to the manage­ment of Willem­sen GmbH.

Mr. Willem­sen is still available to advise the buyers for some time.

What the client says about the project

Dirk Willem­sen:

It quick­ly became clear to me that it is almost impos­si­ble to organi­se a compa­ny succes­si­on along­side day-to-day business. When seemingly solved problem areas such as an outsour­ced pensi­on commit­ment turn out to be a major construc­tion site, you reach your limits as a medium-sized company.

With Mr. Klaus-Chris­ti­an Knuff­mann from KERN-Unternehmens­nachfolge, I not only had a compe­tent contact person at all times, but also an entre­pre­neu­ri­al­ly thinking and acting compa­n­ion for this unique project of compa­ny succes­si­on for an entrepreneur.

Mr Knuff­mann always had the goal in mind, even if the negotia­ti­ons stalled in the meanti­me ? Failure not excluded ? and motiva­ted me to belie­ve in a good and sustainable solution.

With Mr. Bora Öztel­can, the Willem­sen GmbH team now has a young, motiva­ted entre­pre­neur who is not afraid to deal with large partners.?

About the buyer

Mr Bora Öztel­can, Master of Business Adminis­tra­ti­on, has been a respon­si­ble manager in the logistics indus­try for 20 years. Most recent­ly, he was Country Manager Germa­ny at the Norm Group, a leading suppli­er to the automo­ti­ve indus­try. He fulfil­led his dream of self-employ­ment with the purcha­se of Willem­sen GmbH.