The finan­cing of business successions

Compa­ny succes­si­ons fail time and again due to finan­cing. This does not have to be the case! Becau­se it is by no means the case that the finan­cial leeway is defined solely by the existing equity of the acqui­rer and the goodwill of his bank. The finan­cing expert Axel Bergmann descri­bes the essen­ti­al points of a successful finan­cing concept in the Deutsche Unternehmerbörse. 

In our obser­va­ti­on, finan­cing often fails due to a lack of prepa­ra­ti­on or careless­ness. However, careful prepa­ra­ti­on of the topic is indis­pensable. The finan­cing concept must be well thought out and take into account the interests of the finan­cing partners. It forms the conclu­si­on of a convin­cing business plan from which the finan­cial requi­re­ments are derived. The overall concept must be coher­ent. What does that mean in concre­te terms?

The business plan as a core element

The business plan conta­ins all the plans of the compa­ny buyer. It presents the goals and descri­bes the strategy and means with which the buyer intends to achie­ve them. The core of the business plan is the special abili­ties, charac­te­ristics and unique selling propo­si­ti­ons with which the compa­ny will prevail over its compe­ti­tors. This infor­ma­ti­on leads to a strengths/weaknesses analy­sis, which in turn provi­des poten­ti­al inves­tors with a clear opportunity/risk profile.

In additi­on, the business plan shows the finan­cial effects of the project. It shows whether further invest­ments are neces­sa­ry in additi­on to finan­cing the purcha­se price, e.g. to embark on a growth course or to take over compe­ti­tors. All infor­ma­ti­on leads to a 3-5 year plan, which shows whether the business is profi­ta­ble and what finan­cial requi­re­ments will arise. Deter­mi­ning the total finan­cing needs is a prere­qui­si­te for start­ing talks with poten­ti­al financiers.

Play through several variants of financing

The next step is to deter­mi­ne the finan­cing struc­tu­re. Rough­ly speaking, this is the distri­bu­ti­on between equity and debt capital. Here, all variants and combi­na­ti­ons should be played through and conside­red. In additi­on to the inclu­si­on of further share­hol­ders, the inclu­si­on of hybrid capital (mezza­ni­ne capital = repaya­ble funds with equity charac­ter, e.g. silent partner­ships) and debt capital should be exami­ned. At the end of this process there is a finan­cing struc­tu­re that takes into account the interests of all parties involved.

The benefits of a meaningful business plan can be summa­ri­sed as follows:

? The business plan forces the acqui­rer to deal with all entre­pre­neu­ri­al facets in a struc­tu­red way, especi­al­ly the formu­la­ti­on and opera­tio­na­li­sa­ti­on of his own entre­pre­neu­ri­al goals.
? The business plan is thus a guide­line for any correc­ti­ve measu­res in the event of unplan­ned business develo­p­ment. It is not so much a matter of achie­ving the plan exact­ly. Rather, in retro­s­pect, state­ments can be made about the stabi­li­ty of market condi­ti­ons and the quali­ty of planning. The same appli­es to the entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­se to unfore­seen changes, i.e. conclu­si­ons can be drawn about the quali­ty of management.
? The business plan is the entre­pre­neu­ri­al business card of the trans­fe­ree. It offers him the oppor­tu­ni­ty to present himself as a profes­sio­nal­ly and perso­nal­ly compe­tent candidate.
? Last, but not least: a meaningful business plan is an effec­ti­ve supple­ment for the in-house approval process of the donors and facili­ta­tes their work.

Take advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties that lie in a good business plan. Make the effort, it’s worth it!

Tips for further reading

The five most important contents of the emergen­cy kit

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Purely contin­gen­cy fee makes serious counsel­ling difficult

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well