Daniel Heuer

For several years, profes­sio­nal focus on accom­pany­ing sales and purcha­se proces­ses or succes­si­on soluti­ons in family businesses from Switz­er­land and Germa­ny (Chamber of Commer­ce Germa­ny-Switz­er­land). Exten­si­ve exper­ti­se in a wide range of business struc­tures (major inter­na­tio­nal bank, SMEs, associa­ti­ons, project manage­ment inclu­ding start-ups), broad geogra­phi­cal focus (Africa, Latin Ameri­ca as well as Europe). Succes­ses and experi­ence in project imple­men­ta­ti­on (concept develo­p­ment, set-up and promo­ti­on, manage­ment and monito­ring, closure or trans­fer to other struc­tures). Learn more >

Portrait of KERN specialist Daniel Heuer ?smiling