The German Econo­my - Innova­tor of the Year 2021- KERN Initia­ti­ve Entre­pre­neur Check

For the develo­p­ment of the first scien­ti­fi­cal­ly based profil­ing for managers, the initia­ti­ve “My Entre­pre­neur Check” is nomina­ted for the audience award “Innova­tor of the Year 2021”. 

How do parents and child­ren actual­ly decide when it comes to succes­si­on in a family business? In theory, it may be easy with one child, but it is much more diffi­cult with several succes­sors in the family. The same appli­es to compa­ny owners who are looking for the right person for the future of their business. The KERN consul­ting group has taken on the problem with an innova­ti­ve solution.

Are you impres­sed by our innova­ti­ve product My Entre­pre­neur Check convin­ced? Then Vote NOW for KERN and winning the audience award. 

Here to the article!
