Götz Kehrein

Born 1963, business gradua­te, specia­li­sa­ti­ons: Auditing, tax and business law, certi­fied Change Manager (IHK), certi­fied Business Coach & Bussi­ness Trainer (accor­ding to DVCT standard). Expert for compa­ny succes­si­on, compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on, sale and valua­tions in Hamburg, Schles­wig-Holstein and Mecklen­burg-Western Pomera­nia. Many years of manage­ment experi­ence with an inter­na­tio­nal finan­cial services provi­der. Special exper­ti­se: Change manage­ment, process optimi­sa­ti­on, crisis manage­ment and commu­ni­ca­ti­on, corpo­ra­te finan­ce, restruc­tu­ring, strategy develo­p­ment and start-up support. Experi­en­ced routi­ne and exper­ti­se from numerous M&A proces­ses on the buyer side and as a consul­tant for compa­ny succes­si­on, valua­ti­on, purcha­se and sale in the SME sector. Quali­fied speak­er and trainer on the subject of compa­ny succes­si­on and genera­ti­on change. Member of the “Stabwech­sel-Team” of the Hamburg Chamber of Commer­ce and the Lübeck Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce. Learn more >

Götz Kehrein