Compa­ny Succes­si­on Hamburg: Subsi­dies Help with the Genera­ti­on Change

With the takeover of the Vedde­ler Fisch­gast­stät­te, Mario Göttsche has secured the contin­ued existence of a Hamburg insti­tu­ti­on. The Hamburg Start-up and Succes­si­on Loan comes into play for the financing.

Born in Berlin, she first had to learn the typical Hamburg way of doing things. During her 8 years with the compa­ny, Marion Göttsche has Veddel Fish Restau­rant not only as a place to work, but also as a new home. When the restau­rant opens every day at 11 a.m., people line up - some of the custo­mers I’ve known for years,” says the future owner. The restau­rant with its 1950s ambience has cult status: people from the neigh­bour­hood, construc­tion workers on their lunch break and suits on a stopo­ver from two appoint­ments are not an unusu­al mix at the 45 seats in the restau­rant. Tradi­tio­nal fish dishes are served, such as the fried fish made accor­ding to an origi­nal secret recipe from the founding year 1932.

Compa­ny succes­si­on Hamburg: No funding without a business plan

It is important to me that the Veddel fish restau­rant can conti­nue to exist as it is. There is so much tradi­ti­on and memory in it. Not only for me ? but also for our guests and the district,” says Göttsche.

When the owner announ­ced his retire­ment, the idea of becoming a chef herself slowly matured in the mind of the long-time restau­rant manager: “This phase was important for me. In additi­on to the emoti­ons, there must also be a business plan and finan­cing. The business plan was also an important basis for the finan­cing appli­ca­ti­on. Without such a business plan, the risk of failure in a bank inter­view is extre­me­ly high.

The Berlin-born entre­pre­neur finan­ced the takeover in Febru­ary 2015 through her bank with a Hamburg Start-up and Succes­si­on Loan inclu­ding a default guaran­tee from the Bürgschafts­ge­mein­schaft. This program­me, speci­al­ly develo­ped for founders and business succes­sors, provi­des invest­ment and working capital loans at very favoura­ble condi­ti­ons. The favoura­ble interest rates are made possi­ble by a subsidy from the Senate of the Hansea­tic City. More infor­ma­ti­on on this program­me and on the documents requi­red for the appli­ca­ti­on is available at here.

Funding decis­i­on comes in a very short time

Accor­ding to the IFB, a decis­i­on will be made within 4-6 weeks. The prere­qui­si­te is that all documents for apply­ing for funding are complete.

K.E.R.N - The succes­si­on specia­lists are pleased that a tradi­tio­nal catering business has taken its first step towards a successful future and wish Marion Göttsche every success in her entre­pre­neu­ri­al future.

Tips for further reading:

Free webinars on business succession

Prepa­ring for business succes­si­on - 3 practi­cal tips

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

CSU wants to save family businesses from inheri­tance tax

Quick­check: Can my bank help with business succession?


Image: Veddel Fish Restau­rant / IFB Hamburg