More compa­ny sales expec­ted in Osnabrück

Every second German family business is facing a genera­ti­on change in the next few years. In the IHK district of Osnabrück, Emsland, Grafschaft Bentheim, as many as 59% of all compa­ny owners are older than 60. Conse­quent­ly, this wave of succes­si­on is both a chall­enge and an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the IHK district, which is domina­ted by family businesses. As genera­tio­nal changes are incre­asing­ly rarely imple­men­ted within the family, the number of compa­ny sales in Osnabrück is expec­ted to rise. This is becau­se compa­ny acqui­si­ti­ons offer family businesses oppor­tu­ni­ties for the targe­ted expan­si­on of their own market positi­on. In short, they act as growth accele­ra­tors and can allevia­te the shorta­ge of skilled workers.

Compa­ny bosses are getting older

Well over half of all compa­ny owners in the region are older than 50 years,” says Ingo Claus by KERN - Compa­ny succes­si­on. More successful. He adds: “In the next five years, more than 3,000 entre­pre­neurs in the IHK district will have to face the questi­on of succes­si­on. More than 80 of these compa­nies are located in the city of Bramsche alone? This alarming develo­p­ment affects the future of more than 15,000 jobs. At the same time, it is current­ly still masked by a very good order situa­ti­on in the SME sector.

Profit from compa­ny sales in Osnabrück

However, this develo­p­ment also opens up great oppor­tu­ni­ties for medium-sized compa­nies. After all, fewer and fewer genera­tio­nal changes are being imple­men­ted within the family. As a result, the supply of compa­nies ready to take over will rise sharply in the future. Becau­se the good employ­ment situa­ti­on is also exacer­ba­ting the current Lack of succes­sors. For this reason, many family entre­pre­neurs make targe­ted use of a compa­ny purcha­se. In this way, they can give their own compa­ny an impetus for growth. And, quite inciden­tal­ly, every successful­ly imple­men­ted business succes­si­on secures jobs. It also streng­thens the econo­mic power and prospe­ri­ty of the Osnabrück Emsland region.

An expert lectu­re by the Osnabrück Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce and the Bramsche Econo­mic Develo­p­ment Agency on 8 June 2017 in the town hall of the cloth-making town will highlight the oppor­tu­ni­ties and stumb­ling blocks of a compa­ny purcha­se for family businesses. 

But what do buyers have to be prepared for? 

The lectu­re uses many practi­cal examp­les to answer the follo­wing questi­ons, among others:

  • How do I search for and where do I find a compa­ny to buy?
  • What is the diffe­rence between enter­pri­se value and enter­pri­se price?
  • What should be taken into account when conduc­ting negotia­ti­ons and balan­cing interests?
  • How are trans­fer­ors and employees invol­ved in the compa­ny takeover?
  • What tax and legal issues need to be considered?
  • What needs to be conside­red during the preli­mi­na­ry contract, the inspec­tion and the final purcha­se contract?
  • What should be conside­red when integra­ting the new compa­ny into an existing structure?

The lectu­re is aimed at entre­pre­neurs who are thinking about buying a compa­ny. In additi­on, the contents are also suita­ble for compa­ny owners who are thinking about selling a compa­ny and want to find out about the expec­ta­ti­ons of interes­ted parties.

The event is free of charge. The regis­tra­ti­on can here take place.

Tips for further reading:

KERN study on business succes­si­on in Germa­ny 2020: Acute lack of succes­sors threa­tens family businesses

Practi­cal examp­le of a successful compa­ny succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well

10,000 compa­ny succes­si­ons in Osnabrück

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

One third of all craft enter­pri­ses face business succes­si­on in Grafschaft Bentheim

Compa­ny succes­si­ons in East Westpha­lia and Biele­feld are on the rise

The costs of a business succes­si­on or an M&A project

How do you recog­ni­se a reputa­ble business sale advisor?

How is the succes­si­on situa­ti­on develo­ping in Osnabrück?

Overall, every second family business in Germa­ny is facing a genera­tio­nal change. In the Osnabrück, Emsland, Grafschaft Bentheim district of the Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce, as many as 59% of all compa­ny owners are older than 60. There­fo­re, more than 3,000 entre­pre­neurs here have to ask the questi­on about succes­si­on. Of these, more than 15,000 jobs are threa­ten­ed. Moreo­ver, this develo­p­ment is current­ly still masked by a very good order situa­ti­on in the SME sector.

What oppor­tu­ni­ties does the current succes­si­on situa­ti­on in Osnabrück offer?

As a buyer, you can profit wonderful­ly from the trend. After all, you can choose from a large number of compa­nies that are ready to be handed over. This allows you to give your compa­ny a fresh impetus for growth. You also secure jobs and streng­then the prospe­ri­ty and econo­mic power of the Osnabrück Emsland region.