Kitchen trade - sale or intra-family succession?

KÜCHEN­han­del - Sale or Intra-Family Succession?

Should I sell my furni­tu­re compa­ny? How can a succes­si­on within the family succeed in the furni­tu­re indus­try? These are the questi­ons many medium-sized furni­tu­re retail­ers are current­ly asking themsel­ves. Paral­lel to the compre­hen­si­ve conso­li­da­ti­on of the indus­try, every second furni­tu­re dealer, inclu­ding many kitchen studi­os, is facing the questi­on of succes­si­on. Becau­se alrea­dy today, every second compa­ny direc­tor is older than 55. If nothing changes, in just 5 years about 74 percent of all compa­ny bosses in businesses with a turno­ver of between 500,000 and 25 milli­on euros will be older than 55. Many of the more than 3,200 affec­ted businesses, most of which are family-owned, will then be facing a genera­tio­nal change at the latest. What should you pay atten­ti­on to when prepa­ring the hando­ver of your business?

The authors Ingo Claus and Axel Bergmann explain in this artic­le which factors influence the choice of succes­si­on and how the abili­ty to act in the compa­ny is ensured. In additi­on, they discuss how the three dimen­si­ons of “can”, “want” and “may” influence the success of a genera­ti­on change.

Here to the article!
