Inheri­tance tax reform: Govern­ment concre­ti­ses planned rules

The Federal Minis­try of Finan­ce (BMF) wants the inheri­tance tax reform to adhere exact­ly to what the Federal Consti­tu­tio­nal Court has stated in its ruling. After all, the new law would have to stand up to a renewed exami­na­ti­on by the highest judges. 

The key points known so far are thus much more restric­ti­ve than expec­ted. In order to make use of the exemp­ti­on regula­ti­on, compa­ny heirs and compa­nies would have to prove that they cannot bear the inheri­tance or gift tax or that the compa­ny is at risk.

In mid-Decem­ber 2014, the judges in Karls­ru­he overtur­ned the generous exemp­ti­on of business assets, which allowed compa­ny heirs to be fully or parti­al­ly exempt­ed from the tax burden. The prere­qui­si­te here was the preser­va­ti­on of jobs or a high commit­ment of capital to production.

Exemp­ti­on limit includes 98% of all companies

Accor­ding to dpa, an exemp­ti­on limit of 20 milli­on euros per inheri­ted business asset is now planned for the needs test as part of the inheri­tance tax reform. The business commu­ni­ty criti­ci­s­es this limit and demands an increase. The BMF points out that in 2013 about 98% of all trans­fer­red businesses were below this value limit. With a higher limit, the new regula­ti­on could again not stand up to scruti­ny by the Federal Consti­tu­tio­nal Court.

Priva­te assets to be conside­red when calcu­la­ting inheri­tance tax

What is new is that in future the priva­te assets of the heirs or donees are to be included in the conside­ra­ti­on. However, the inheri­tance tax burden on priva­te assets is to be limit­ed in the case of a business succession.

Assets that are neces­sa­ry for the business’ are to be spared in the future as well. In additi­on, the BMF plans to intro­du­ce a de minimis limit of one milli­on euros for small businesses. If the value of the business is below this limit, the reten­ti­on of employees in the case of a business succes­si­on does not have to be proven in order to claim tax exemption.

Tips for further reading:

German family entre­pre­neurs are on avera­ge 53 years old

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well

Prepa­ring for business succes­si­on - 3 practi­cal tips