The Fitness Check

Our Succes­si­on Fitness Check serves to deter­mi­ne the status quo with regard to the upcoming genera­ti­on change of your compa­ny. Together with you, we take stock of and analy­se your company’s abili­ty to succeed. In doing so, we identi­fy any need for action and make sugges­ti­ons for measu­res to optimi­se the salea­bi­li­ty. Depen­ding on how much time is left until the start of the sale process, these measu­res can help to optimi­se the achie­va­ble sale price.

Measu­res to impro­ve the saleability

These include, for examp­le, balan­ce sheet measu­res such as the release of pensi­on provi­si­ons, but also person­nel measu­res or the imple­men­ta­ti­on of targe­ted invest­ments to stabi­li­se the business. For examp­le, the trans­fer of a pensi­on provi­si­on from the balan­ce sheet of the compa­ny for sale can create the prere­qui­si­te for salea­bi­li­ty and at the same time signi­fi­cant­ly increase the achie­va­ble purcha­se price. The revalua­ti­on of invent­ories and stock can help to clear hidden burdens in the run-up to the sale, thus avoiding unneces­sa­ry discus­sions with poten­ti­al buyers.

Check existing contracts

A review of existing contracts is also part of the fitness check: Can they be trans­fer­red or do they need to be renego­tia­ted? If neces­sa­ry, custo­mer relati­onships can be stabi­li­sed and depen­den­ci­es elimi­na­ted with the appro­pria­te lead time. In short: there are a number of levers that can be used to impro­ve the condi­ti­ons for a successful compa­ny sale. Our Fitness Check helps you to recog­ni­se them.

Compa­ny valua­ti­on accor­ding to recog­nis­ed standard

In additi­on, we recom­mend a detail­ed compa­ny valua­ti­on accor­ding to the IDWS1 standard (capita­li­sed earnings value method accor­ding to the speci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the Insti­tu­te of German Certi­fied Public Accoun­tants). This will give you a concre­te, initi­al indica­ti­on of the value of your life’s work. In a joint exchan­ge and the experi­ence of our daily transac­tions, we can then approach a possi­ble offer price (market price) and you have one of the most important facts for a possi­ble succes­si­on process. In indivi­du­al cases and depen­ding on the business model, other valua­ti­on proce­du­res may also be considered.