The core behind KERN: Family photo from the seven­ties. Parents and siblings of the founder of KERNBy the way, Nils Koerber is the boy in the blue rain jacket.

Why choose KERN for business succes­si­on (M&A)? Who is the core behind KERN?


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KERN has evolved from the own experi­en­ces of a family business

KERN founder Nils Koerber comes from a medium-sized compa­ny in Bremen and, in 15 years of family entre­pre­neur­ship, has gathe­red a wide range of perso­nal experi­ence in all fields of business succession.

In connec­tion with his parents and siblings, the family has experi­en­ced all the ?stumb­ling blocks? in the econo­mic, legal, fiscal and emotio­nal sense themsel­ves and experi­en­ced them in real terms in the genera­ti­on change, the sale and purcha­se of companies.

These experi­en­ces were the reason why Nils Koerber founded KERN in 2004 as a specia­li­sed manage­ment consul­tancy and still focuses on three segments for family businesses and SMEs today:

  • Compa­ny sale (M & A)
  • Genera­ti­on change
  • Compa­ny acquisition

By focusing exclu­si­ve­ly on business succes­si­on, the KERN consul­ting group can now solve in depth all the questi­ons and tasks that are important in these important concerns.

KERN’s cultu­re is charac­te­ri­sed by the Hansea­tic business spirit of its founder. Intern­al­ly and extern­al­ly, this means that all partners, consul­tants and employees at KERN imple­ment a high standard of integri­ty on a daily basis. And for KERN, integri­ty means - I say what I do and I do what I say. 

Every partner at KERN has diver­se, perso­nal life experi­en­ces with the topic of business succes­si­on. Combi­ned with the attitu­de that the important values of a family business are trans­fer­red into the future in a mindful, appre­cia­ti­ve and profes­sio­nal manner. 

For the benefit of the trans­fer­or, the trans­fe­ree, the employees and the compa­ny itself.

With their broad exper­ti­se, Nils Koerber and his team of partners guide clients through all the tasks of a compa­ny succes­si­on. Whether as consul­tant, coach, media­tor or keynote speak­er in Germa­ny, Austria and Switz­er­land. Nils Koerber himself is also, among other things, the book author of “The art of letting go? or “What freedom tastes like” a.o.

With over 30 legal­ly indepen­dent locati­ons in Germa­ny, Austria and Switz­er­land, KERN is now one of the best and largest specia­list consul­tanci­es for SMEs and has alrea­dy won several awards in compe­ti­ti­ons for the high quali­ty of its work.

Among other things, KERN is a certi­fied member of the BDU (Associa­ti­on of German Manage­ment Consul­tants), a coope­ra­ti­on partner of many banks and savings banks as well as Offici­al member of the expert panel of the German Entrepreneur’s Exchan­ge for Corpo­ra­te Values.

KERN is the consul­ting brand for corpo­ra­te succes­si­on in family businesses. Award­ed as the first M&A consul­tancy with the GERMAN-BRAND-AWARD 2021.

Please contact us at contact Nils Koerber direct­ly or get in touch with him at LOCATIONS to a KERN specia­list in your direct, regio­nal vicinity.

PS: Inciden­tal­ly, the name KERN was histo­ri­cal­ly derived from the first letters of the founders’ family names: Rüdiger Ehlers and Nils Koerber (the subjec­ti­ve mixtu­re of the four letters then resul­ted in KERN).