Value and price - Step 2

In this step follows for you the detail­ed assess­ment of your company.

As a rule, we work accor­ding to the capita­li­sed earnings value method in the classi­fi­ca­ti­on accor­ding to the IDWS1 (Insti­tut der Deutschen Wirtschafts­prü­fer) method.


The basis is the annual finan­cial state­ments of the last 3 business years. These are adjus­ted for extra­or­di­na­ry expen­ses or income. Likewi­se, a reali­stic assess­ment of costs, wages and salaries or tax optimi­sa­ti­on is carri­ed out.

In the case of several compa­nies, it is advisa­ble to conso­li­da­te the figures (separa­te service) for the sake of compact clarity.


On this basis, planning figures for the future, econo­mic develo­p­ment of at least 3 to 5 years are prepared. If you wish, we can support you in this important task of deter­mi­ning value.

The assump­ti­ons of the target figures should be justi­fia­ble and take into account the upcoming succession.


In this process, you recei­ve a draft in advan­ce, which we then discuss and appro­ve with you for a final versi­on. Of course, we work close­ly with your tax advisor in this important analy­sis and deter­mi­na­ti­on of the compa­ny value.


The deter­mi­na­ti­on of a company’s value is not only an important basis for decis­i­on-making for buyers, but is also actual­ly almost indis­pensable for banks and finan­cing partners in the context of a transaction.

Your company’s perfor­mance will thus be compre­hen­si­ble and the perspec­ti­ve of the target figures will justi­fy the important future of an acquirer.


For smaller compa­nies (size of less than 1 milli­on euros/CHF transac­tion value), the Business valua­ti­on may also be omitted or imple­men­ted in another standard.

Alter­na­tively, the conden­sed key figures of the past are shown in a short form. Supple­men­ted by the planned figures mentio­ned above.
However, not on the basis of the recog­nis­ed income capita­li­sa­ti­on approach accor­ding to IDWS1.


For certain business models there is also the Substance value method or AWH method.

You will recei­ve the final versi­on in two print versi­ons (bound) and as a digital file in PDF format.