With the support of artifi­ci­al intel­li­gence, we optimi­se your business ideas.

Identi­fy and develop real unique selling points

Identi­fy and elimi­na­te weakne­s­ses in the business model

Concre­te measu­res for signi­fi­cant increa­ses in turno­ver and profit


Is your business model future-proof?

As an entre­pre­neur, you have done every­thing right: Your business not only defies crises, but is excel­lent­ly positio­ned in the market and is also growing sustain­ab­ly - but how do you compen­sa­te for the uncer­tain­ty factors of the future?

Are you and your employees prepared for the challenges of the future? Which immedia­te Will the impen­ding shorta­ge of skilled workers, advan­cing digita­li­sa­ti­on and increased clima­te protec­tion requi­re­ments have an impact on your compa­ny?

And: Do you know exact­ly where the sustainable value enhance­ment poten­ti­als of your compa­ny lie?

KERN Business Succes­si­on. provi­des you with an inven­to­ry of your current business model compared to thousands of other compa­nies around the world with the support of artifi­ci­al intelligence.

Based on the indivi­du­al strengths and weakne­s­ses of your business model, we will provi­de you with immedia­te, concre­te impul­ses and sugges­ti­ons on how to sustain­ab­ly increase your turno­ver and profitability.

Future-proof your business model and increase the value of your compa­ny for a planned compa­ny sale.


An effici­ent & trustful process

Conduct a confi­den­ti­al analy­sis meeting with our KERN business model optimi­sa­ti­on experts online or on-site.

Within a few days you will recei­ve from us a concre­te analy­sis of your indivi­du­al business model positio­ning with immedia­te­ly imple­men­ta­ble recom­men­da­ti­ons for action to increase the effici­en­cy of your compa­ny value.

In a joint and confi­den­ti­al exchan­ge, we exami­ne the extent to which an indivi­du­al business model optimi­sa­ti­on can be an intra-family soluti­on. Genera­ti­on change or a planned Compa­ny sale can have a positi­ve and lasting influence. 


Syste­ma­ti­cal­ly shaping your future

Our KERN experts for business model­ling work with funda­men­tal methods of business model and product develo­p­ment, which are based on the analy­sis of the compe­ti­ti­on and the data. The larger the analy­sed databa­se, the more valid the forecast. And that is exact­ly what the Use of AI ? it signi­fi­cant­ly facili­ta­tes the analy­sis of very large amounts of data and the subse­quent develo­p­ment process. The strategy recom­men­da­ti­ons develo­ped as a result of this process become signi­fi­cant­ly more robust and effec­ti­ve due to the broader data base. Thus, business model develo­p­ment, which is often driven by experi­ence and gut feeling, recei­ves a broad data-based foundation.

In additi­on, the KERN approach to corpo­ra­te develo­p­ment still offers three decisi­ve advantages:

Flexi­bi­li­ty: This exclu­si­ve process, previous­ly only used by large, global­ly active groups, has now also been adapt­ed to the requi­re­ments of small and medium-sized family businesses.

Appro­pria­te budget orien­ta­ti­on: The budget to further develop existing business models or to open up comple­te­ly new business areas in times of radical changes in the environ­ment is tailo­red to the needs of family businesses.

Practi­cal relevan­ce and multi­ple appli­ca­bi­li­ty: The result of this develo­p­ment process is not just presen­ta­ti­ons or dossiers that explain theore­ti­cal­ly what you could do better based on exten­si­ve data, figures and facts. Rather, you will recei­ve concre­te, reali­sable sugges­ti­ons and ideas on how to elimi­na­te weakne­s­ses in your business model and open up new business areas. This appli­es to business models in the consu­mer market as well as to the B2B sector.

Our promi­se: The further develo­p­ment of their business model is not an expen­si­ve and lengthy process. The risks are signi­fi­cant­ly lower than when awarding expen­si­ve strategy consul­ting manda­tes, becau­se our KERN business succes­si­on process, support­ed by artifi­ci­al intel­li­gence, is up to ten times faster and signi­fi­cant­ly more cost-effec­ti­ve than standard market approa­ches to business model optimisation.


Case study

A craft­sman manufac­tu­rer of venti­la­ti­on techno­lo­gy for agricul­tu­re and indus­try is challen­ged by current indus­try develo­p­ments. Saving energy and reducing CO² emissi­ons are just two key buzzwords for the future. Together with KERN, the compa­ny review­ed its current positio­ning and added key unique selling points to its business model as part of the subse­quent strategy process. With the start of imple­men­ta­ti­on, the compa­ny launched a publicly funded innova­ti­on process that made the product and service portfo­lio unique, impro­ved the quali­ty of inter­nal proces­ses and opened up new custo­mer groups and sales channels.

Exciting method for sustainable leader­ship change 

MeinST­ABWECH­SEL is an exciting method for a sustainable change of leader­ship in family businesses. With amazing ease, you find your own values and needs.
At the end of the journey, the goal, path and time frame appeared to me as a 3D vision for my perso­nal baton change. So I worked out my ?to do list? myself in the best atmosphe­re and with the support of KERN.

Klaus-Peter Gust  , Entrepreneur 

… are surpri­sed what great energies have been released in all of us 

Change also means dealing with the cultu­re, the goals, the respon­si­bi­li­ties and the “rules of the game” in a compa­ny. With KERN, we have embark­ed on the exciting path of creating our own indivi­du­al corpo­ra­te philo­so­phy and have been surpri­sed at the great energies that have been released in all of us. For the benefit of our custo­mers, employees and the entire compa­ny. Thanks to KERN for the targe­ted and profes­sio­nal modera­ti­on and development.

G-O.B, entre­pre­neur from Koblenz  , Dealers and service provi­ders in the hardware and software sector 

Compa­ny sale profes­sio­nal­ly accom­pa­nied and imple­men­ted from start to finish 

KERN profes­sio­nal­ly accom­pa­nied and imple­men­ted my compa­ny sale from start to finish. Finding a buyer was surpri­sin­gly quick and the subse­quent succes­si­on process was compe­tent­ly accom­pa­nied and modera­ted at all times.

H-J. N., entre­pre­neur from Neuss  , Germany’s largest dealer of a premi­um brand of copiers and DMSs 

Without Karl Rehfuß I would proba­b­ly have despai­red of the story long ago 

Without Karl Rehfuß and his often selfless and always optimi­stic commit­ment, I would proba­b­ly have despai­red of histo­ry long ago. All of us here are really glad to have had exact­ly this CORE expert at our side in these past diffi­cult times.

Jürgen Bantel 

Profes­sio­nal and relia­ble until successful completion 

Especi­al­ly in the diffi­cult phases, my advisor closed the gaps and paved the way for a further negotia­ti­on.
Every­thing was profes­sio­nal and relia­ble, meetings outside normal business hours were possi­ble at any time.
Profes­sio­nal­ly, I feel compre­hen­si­ve and in good hands, the successful conclu­si­on is an expres­si­on of KERN competence!


Get your FREE business model optimi­sa­ti­on check­list and case study now.


  • more about the inside and outside view of their business model,
  • which adjus­ting screws you can use to make value-enhan­cing changes in your company,
  • Identi­fy poten­ti­al­ly successful business models from a varie­ty of unreco­g­nis­ed user problems in your industry,
  • from the mista­kes of other market parti­ci­pan­ts and how to avoid expen­si­ve bad investments,
  • Based on an analy­sis of your company’s compe­ti­ti­ve positio­ning, how you can successful­ly develop your business model with sugges­ti­ons that can be imple­men­ted immediately.
  • how you can increase your compa­ny value with our KERN business model optimi­sa­ti­on and prepa­re for a successful compa­ny sale or genera­ti­on change.
 Please fill out the contact form below. As a thank you, you will recei­ve our FREE check­list and your exclu­si­ve case study.
My compa­ny is located in:
  • Germa­ny
  • Austria
  • Switz­er­land