Talking helps! Also for business succession

Talking helps! Also for business succession!

Dinner was served: The compa­ny succes­si­on was settled.

Chapter 1

The only scion of the family, Alexan­der, 24, was to succeed his father (Dieter, 65), founder and sole managing partner of the compa­ny, and lead the successful compa­ny into an even better future.

So far, so clear. At least for the senior. For it had taken him some time and energy to get used to the idea of one day leaving the fate of his compa­ny in the hands of others.

And then there was the questi­on of the right succes­sor. It was obvious that it would be his son. After all, he was alrea­dy in his sixth semes­ter of business studies (on the advice of his parents) and was about to comple­te his bachelor’s degree. He had known the compa­ny from an early age and had, to a certain extent, grown up in the compa­ny. Friends had confirm­ed his son’s suita­bi­li­ty for this task to Dieter. So it was a clear matter to inform Alexan­der accor­din­gly on the occasi­on of one of his next visits to his parents. The decis­i­on had been made and his father took this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to give him this extre­me­ly pleasing news over a sip of champagne.

First the son’s, then his father’s, facial features slipped. Instead of burst­ing into jubila­ti­on at this great sign of confi­dence, Alexan­der abrupt­ly set down the glass and sober­ly put it back on the table.

Disap­poin­ted by his son’s, shall we say, very reser­ved reaction, his father did the same. Pause. Silence.

What had happened?

Stupidly, Dieter had never shared his thoughts and reflec­tions on business succes­si­on with his son before. Conver­se­ly, Alexan­der had failed to give his parents a hint that he was pursuing his studies without joy and inner motiva­ti­on. He had disco­ver­ed his artis­tic vein during his studies and perfec­ted his skills on the keyboard, which he liked to show off in the pub around the corner.

He wanted to gradua­te with a bachelor’s degree, but he certain­ly didn’t want to conti­nue his father’s business.

Learning 1: Talking helps!

Chapter 2

Bernd (36 years old, only son) had joined his parents’ compa­ny at the age of 22 after his appren­ti­ce­ship as an indus­tri­al clerk. Father Peter (75 years old) had welco­med this step. At his request, Bernd went through all the depart­ments in the house to get as broad an overview as possi­ble of all the activities.

Instead of diligence and inqui­si­ti­ve­ness, Bernd gained respect through his status as the boss’s son. He enjoy­ed parking his Porsche right next to the entrance in the GF car park. He liked to arrive a little late for meetings, but made a point of finis­hing work on time. After all, there were his hobbies (which we will spare oursel­ves the task of listing). He also liked to report on new purcha­ses for his condo­mi­ni­um, which his parents had given him. It almost goes without saying that he recei­ved a higher salary than his colleagues.

Within the house, however, his career came to a standstill, to his astonish­ment. He was no longer able to advan­ce beyond a cleri­cal positi­on. He rebel­led, as he was born to take over the compa­ny. The dispu­tes with his father about the right manage­ment of the compa­ny increased and escala­ted more and more. He, Bernd, will show his father once he is in charge!

The latter had made his compa­ny the market leader in its market niche in 40 years with a lot of diligence, great care and appre­cia­ti­on for his team. He regular­ly gave his employees the benefit of the doubt and mista­kes were allowed (reluc­tant­ly twice). The staff appre­cia­ted their degrees of freedom, contri­bu­ted to the compa­ny and stood behind the senior ‘like a 1’.

The son should not have as hard a time as his father as an entrepreneur 

That’s why there have been one or two privi­le­ges. As an atten­ti­ve compa­ny leader, however, it was not lost on Peter that Bernd met with certain reser­va­tions among the staff, in some places with deep rejection.

He’ll be fine. He’s not ready yet. He is still growing into the task. Father and son did not discuss his son’s entre­pre­neu­ri­al aptitude.

Peter died sudden­ly and unexpec­ted­ly. Bernd took over the helm. That was five years ago. The compa­ny has lost its best people. Manage­ment is based on pressu­re and control, becau­se price pressu­re is incre­asing and costs have to come down. And the banks have recent­ly started to recei­ve month­ly reports on the progress of the business, as they are now available with substan­ti­al bridging loans.

Learning 2: Talking helps!

Conclu­si­on for a successful business succession 

Do not be afraid to address suppo­sedly clear or even emotio­nal­ly diffi­cult issues. You are welco­me to make use of profes­sio­nal support. This is for the good of all invol­ved and thus also for the good of your compa­ny. Clari­ty is an essen­ti­al ingre­di­ent for entre­pre­neu­ri­al success!

Image: © PhotoAlto/Milena Boniek/Getty Images

TIPS for further reading: 

Enter­pri­se value-orien­ted compa­ny valua­ti­on pays off when selling a company

How can you recog­ni­se reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Deter­mi­ne compa­ny value free of charge and online