Compa­ny succes­si­on at Saalfel­der EPSa successful

We at K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolge­spezialisten are always pleased when a genera­tio­nal change in medium-sized businesses succeeds and jobs are secured. This was precis­e­ly the case with the change of baton at the Saalfel­der EPSa (Elektro­nik und Präzi­si­ons­bau Saalfeld GmbH). This was repor­ted in the Thürin­ger Allge­mei­ne Zeitung on 14 Decem­ber 2015. 

As part of the change of baton at Saalfel­der EPSa, the newly added managing direc­tor Ali Sahin, together with Süd-Betei­li­gun­gen GmbH, is taking over the share­hol­der shares as part of a manage­ment buy-in (MBI). This genera­tio­nal change will enable the electro­nics manufac­tu­ring services specia­list based in the Thurin­gi­an Forest to secure its future and the future of its 209 employees. The focus of the medium-sized compa­ny is on the produc­tion of indus­tri­al electro­nics as well as electro­nic compon­ents and devices for medical techno­lo­gy. EPSa is also a leading provi­der of soluti­ons and services in the fields of telema­tics and infor­ma­ti­on techno­lo­gy. Overall, the compa­ny can look back on a very stable and positi­ve business develo­p­ment in its business fields.

Good prepa­ra­ti­on for business succes­si­on paid off

In the process, which lasted almost two years, K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolge­spezialisten accom­pa­nied the owners in their search for a suita­ble succes­sor and suita­ble finan­cing. In the Thürin­ger Allge­mei­ne Zeitung, K.E.R.N points out that good prepa­ra­ti­on of a compa­ny succes­si­on is very important for the success of such a process: “Without an exten­si­ve network and thorough prepa­ra­ti­on of the negotia­ti­ons, a complex topic such as compa­ny succes­si­on can hardly be managed”.

We are pleased that we have found a future-orien­ted conti­nua­tion of EPSa with Mr Sahin and SüdBG,” explain the founding partners Uwe Schul­ze and Dr Dieter Simon, who are retiring. The preser­va­ti­on of the current 211 jobs and the develo­p­ment of the compa­ny at its locati­on in Thurin­gia are very important to them.

The new managing partner Ali Sahin was most recent­ly Vice Presi­dent Sales EMEA for the Ameri­can semicon­duc­tor manufac­tu­rer EXAR Inc. and can look back on more than 15 years of inter­na­tio­nal sales activi­ty. He sees his new chall­enge in parti­cu­lar in the expan­si­on of inter­na­tio­nal sales and is striving for the strate­gic expan­si­on of EPSa’s positioning.

We want to support EPSa as a central German, innova­ti­ve compa­ny with our network and actively accom­pa­ny the growth course. We see Mr. Sahin’s commit­ment as an excel­lent basis for advan­cing the compa­ny inter­na­tio­nal­ly as well,” explains Andre­as Müller, Invest­ment Direc­tor of SüdBG.

EPSa was founded in 1992 by the two share­hol­ders Dr. Dieter Simon and Uwe Schul­ze in the course of the takeover of the electro­nics produc­tion of the Carl Zeiss combi­ne as part of a manage­ment buy-out (MBO). The business relati­onship with Carl Zeiss has proven itself to this day ? the medical, micro­sco­py and metro­lo­gy sectors are the company’s main custo­mers. In the area of manufac­tu­ring, EPSa’s core business includes in parti­cu­lar the assem­bly of printed circuit boards using SMD and THT proces­ses as well as the assem­bly of entire modules and systems. In additi­on, painting and encap­su­la­ti­on to protect against clima­tic influen­ces are offered to custo­mers as added value. In additi­on, in-house mecha­ni­cal produc­tion and clean-room produc­tion increase the verti­cal range of manufac­tu­re. Product develo­p­ments, prima­ri­ly in the field of telema­tics and passen­ger infor­ma­ti­on systems, are driven forward both by the company’s own R&D capaci­ties and in close coope­ra­ti­on with Thurin­gi­an partner companies.

Tips for further reading:

Comment: Shorta­ge of skilled workers leads to shorta­ge of entrepreneurs

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