The compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment: sample, check­list and the most important tips

24 Febru­ary 2022 by Nils Koerber

The compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment is - although not always the conclu­si­on of an M&A process - an important milestone.

The compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment is - although not always the conclu­si­on of an M&A process - an important milestone. Since every business acqui­si­ti­on or sale is based on indivi­du­al circum­s­tancesthe corre­spon­ding contract must reflect these details.

Entre­pre­neurs conclude count­less contracts over time. The regio­nal chambers of indus­try and commer­ce often provi­de orien­ta­ti­on through model contracts. However, these are also to be treated only as samples. Indivi­du­al questi­ons should always be clari­fied with a lawyer experi­en­ced in M&A or the advice of the chambers of indus­try and commerce.

Sample compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment for M&A transactions

In the early stages of an M&A process, it is initi­al­ly useful to have an orien­ta­ti­on as to what the contract for a compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on can basical­ly look like. A sample is a great help here and Provi­des infor­ma­ti­on about scope, shape or content. While indivi­du­al changes undoub­ted­ly still need to be made, the follo­wing pattern is the first step towards a successful transaction.

The Chambers of Indus­try and Commer­ce are also very invol­ved in the topic of business succession. 

The Frank­furt am Main Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce (IHK-Frank­furt am Main) provi­des on its homepage a Very good, general purcha­se agree­ment templa­te for downloa­ding available.
Here you can download the templa­te for the IHK compa­ny purcha­se agreement.

In the follo­wing, we explain what makes a Share Deal vs. Asset Deal constitutes.

Model contract Share Deal ? Sale of shares

In the case of a share deal, only the owner­ship of the shares changes.; all contracts concluded by the compa­ny itself with third parties remain in princi­ple unchan­ged. The follo­wing aspects, among others, are then important:

  • Are all contrac­tu­al provi­si­ons, inclu­ding contract amend­ments and supple­ments, documen­ted and retrievable?
  • Do all contracts comply with the current state of legis­la­ti­on and case law?
  • Are the purcha­sing, custo­mer or other contracts standardised?
  • For examp­le, do contracts contain termi­na­ti­on rights for the contrac­ting party in the event of a change of owner­ship, so-called “change of control” clauses?

A compre­hen­si­ve templa­te that can be used as a model contract for a share deal is provi­ded by the Jurafo­rum.

Asset Deal Contract Templa­te ? Sale of assets

If the buyer acqui­res defined assets such as machi­nes, stocks etc. by way of singu­lar succes­si­on (asset deal), The contracts concluded by the Compa­ny shall be filed with the Compa­ny sale not automa­ti­cal­ly via. In such cases, the trans­fer of the contract must be speci­fi­cal­ly regula­ted; in most cases, the consent of the contrac­ting partner is also requi­red for this.

In the run-up to a Compa­ny sale it can be helpful to include this consent to a contract trans­fer in the contract by default or to obtain it indivi­du­al­ly in advan­ce in order to gain time in the sales process. Parti­cu­lar atten­ti­on must be paid to the trans­fer of data masters in the asset deal. The GDPR draws relatively narrow bounda­ries for this.

What should be conside­red in principle?

The contract for the acqui­si­ti­on of a compa­ny is often drawn up on the basis of the ?Letter of Intent? drafted. In the follo­wing negotia­ti­ons, the diffe­rent views result in Compro­mi­ses that end in fixed clauses.

It is important that the points to be discus­sed are not seen as annoy­ing niceties. Every point in the contract that is signed later enters into a commit­ment that cannot simply be avoided. There­fo­re, the process of drafting the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment should be seen as an oppor­tu­ni­ty toto clear­ly record all relevant details for the future.

The situa­ti­on is similar with the Due Diligencewhich also is not a burden, but an important test for success of the entire process.

Who creates the first draft?

The first draft can be initia­ted by both the seller and the buyer, whereby it is is usual­ly the seller who has the first drafts made. At the very least, the decisi­ve contract corner data should be estab­lished by the seller. This is of great importance for the basic struc­tu­re of a compa­ny purcha­se agreement.

Moreo­ver, it is legiti­ma­te that the side respon­si­ble for the first draft will also formu­la­te its own view more clear­ly. Since it is almost there will inevi­ta­b­ly be negotia­ti­ons in which the seller will have to conce­de compro­mi­sesIn the end, the result is a contract that is accep­ta­ble to both sides in the purcha­se of the company.

Do you have confi­den­ti­al questions?

Nils Koerber - Portrait

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I look forward to getting to know you.

Nils Koerber


Why you should not use a notary for the first draft

Depen­ding on M&A process a notary becomes neces­sa­ry for the certi­fi­ca­ti­on of the final signa­tures. However, there is no obliga­ti­on for a notari­al certi­fi­ca­ti­on for a first draft. This is also to be avoided for cost reasonsas a notary will alrea­dy charge a (not incon­sidera­ble) fee for the first draft. The fee is indepen­dent of the success of the process.

An experi­en­ced M&A advisor and/or lawyer is also often able to prepa­re a first draft of purcha­se agree­ments. A seller can negotia­te with the lawyer he trusts about fees based on time and effort, fixed price or success-based. Lawyers who specia­li­se in compa­ny sales are not always immedia­te­ly recog­nisable. Ideal­ly, the M&A advisor can provi­de contacts and make recommendations.

Alter­na­tively, it often becomes clear in a perso­nal conver­sa­ti­on how much experi­ence the lawyer has in this area.

  • Is he aware of the special requi­re­ments of your M&A process?
  • Does he alrea­dy have purcha­se contracts at hand that he can use as a model?
  • Does he know the requi­re­ments for a legal­ly secure contract?

And there should not only have been M&A legal advice once a year, but the Exper­ti­se of many transac­tions is also of high value in legal advice for the client.

Lassen Sie sich vom M&A Berater Ihres Vertrau­ens einen kompe­ten­ten Rechts­an­walt für den Erstent­wurf Ihres Unter­neh­mens­kauf­ver­trags empfeh­len. So sparen Sie Kosten, sichern sich das beste Know-how und legen den Grund­stein für die weite­ren Verhandlungen.”

The 10 most important contents for the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment [check­list].

In additi­on to indivi­du­al elements that differ within indus­tries and indivi­du­al compa­nies, there are basic contents that must be conside­red in every compa­ny purcha­se agreement. 

Further contents in the purcha­se contract

In additi­on to the above 10 contents of our check­list, it is impera­ti­ve that further questi­ons be answe­red in the compa­ny purcha­se agreement. 

  • Are the VThe object of income and the purcha­se price as well as the purcha­se price mecha­nism exact­ly defined?
  • Which facili­ties are cited?
  • Are there relevant claims?
  • Are there relevant liabilities?
  • Which Rights and obliga­ti­on apply to the contrac­ting parties?
  • Do levies have to be paid?
  • What parti­ci­pa­ti­on is regula­ted by contract?
  • How exact­ly is the imple­men­ta­ti­on to be carri­ed out?

Who bears the costs? Buyer or seller?

While in Germa­ny it is possi­ble in princi­ple to regula­te almost every­thing by contract, it has become estab­lished that the Buyer the costs for the possi­ble notari­al certi­fi­ca­ti­on of the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment. And the buyer bears his costs for his legal advice.

The thought process here is simple: In the end, the buyer pays the costs anyway. Becau­se: If it is agreed that the seller has to bear the costs, the seller will in all proba­bi­li­ty include the costs in the total price.

Atten­ti­on: Special tax and legal features!

Every M&A process is subject to the appli­ca­ble tax and legal regula­ti­ons. However, this should not neces­s­a­ri­ly be seen as a burden, but can be often also offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for trans­fer.

Examp­le: The sale of indivi­du­al assets of a GmbH within the scope of an asset deal is subject to trade tax and corpo­ra­te income tax. If the GmbH instead sells a subsi­dia­ry GmbH in the context of a share deal, the capital gains are tax-free (5 % of the capital gain is treated as a non-deduc­ti­ble opera­ting expense).

Within the frame­work of the M&A consul­ting and/or support from an expert lawyer, such possi­bi­li­ties can be discus­sed. It is crucial that the the right contents are recor­ded in the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment and a good tax construct should be thought through and prepared at an early stage on the seller’s side.

In additi­on to tax pitfalls, a common mista­ke lurks in the calcu­la­ti­on of the compa­ny value. Avoid this mista­ke with our webinar:


Important tips for contract negotiations

The first draft of the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment must neces­s­a­ri­ly be conside­red as such. It shall unavo­id­a­b­ly contain passa­ges that the opposing party does not agree with. As a preven­ti­ve measu­re for successful negotia­ti­ons, it is advisa­ble to put yours­elf in the other party’s shoes.

  • Which points will be parti­cu­lar­ly important to her?
  • Can you alrea­dy be generous here?
  • Which points are less important to the other party?
  • Can these be formu­la­ted in one’s own favour?

Another tactic is to delibera­te­ly frame certain content in such a way that discus­sion is unavo­ida­ble. In the negotia­ti­ons, conces­si­ons are made on these contents to enable the opposing party to ‘win’. In fact, however, the compro­mi­se that has been made is exact­ly the result that was sought from the outset.

Bonus: Further contracts in the sale of the company

If you have a Sell compa­nyIn the case of a purcha­se agree­ment, the transac­tion is usual­ly not only sealed by the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment. Other contracts come into play and should be thorough­ly planned or reviewed.

The most important contracts are: Employ­ment and tenan­cy agree­ments. But also about Contracts with suppli­ers or custo­mers are part of a proper M&A process.

About the author

Nils Koerber

Born in 1964, trained and studi­ed as a business­man and business econo­mist, certi­fied coach and trainer for succes­si­on proces­ses in family businesses, trained media­tor (business media­ti­on) and conflict modera­tor. Co-founder and owner of KERN - Unternehmens­nachfolge since 2004. Successful. Practi­tio­ner with many years of experi­ence in all aspects of corpo­ra­te succes­si­on in family businesses. Specia­li­sed in M&A proces­ses in medium-sized compa­nies. Learn more >