The KERN Business Succes­si­on Study 2017

Lack of succes­sors threa­tens family businesses. The number of business succes­si­ons is incre­asing drama­ti­cal­ly in all IHK districts.

Germany’s business commu­ni­ty is ageing rapidly: In just five years Three out of five entre­pre­neurs be well over 55 years old. This is the result of a nation­wi­de study by CORE ? Compa­ny Succes­si­on. Successful.

The study on genera­tio­nal change in compa­nies confirms the pressu­re on family entre­pre­neurs in Germa­ny to act.

In a nation­wi­de study, KERN current­ly analy­sed all 79 IHK districts in the relevant age and turno­ver classes on the develo­p­ment of business succes­si­on up to 2022. In the process A total of 564,443 compa­nies in the turno­ver classes from 250,000 euros to 5 milli­on euros as well as firms with up to 50 milli­on euros in turno­ver were included. In the conside­ra­ti­on of the selec­ted compa­nies, data from almost 500,000 compa­nies with less than 5 milli­on euros in annual turno­ver and a further 65,000 compa­nies with more than 5 milli­on euros in annual turno­ver were thus included in the study.

60% of all family business owners face the questi­on of succes­si­on in 5 years’ time

Further­mo­re, the managing directors/shareholders were expan­ded in three age groups analysed:

? 50 ? 54 years
? 55 ? 64 years
? over 65 years.

CORE has all 79 chamber districts Indivi­du­al­ly analy­sed. For this purpo­se, the compa­ny data were also subdi­vi­ded accor­ding to their indus­tries and thus give a previous­ly unknown Detail­ed insight into the succes­si­on facts of the respec­ti­ve industry.

It is important to under­stand that in the German Mittel­stand, more than 90 % of family businesses are less than 25 employees and have a turno­ver of less than 5 milli­on euros? Nils Koerber, founder of KERN ? Compa­ny Succes­si­on. More successful.

KERN partner Ingo Claus The prepa­ra­ti­on of the compa­ny data shows us that in the chamber districts in Germa­ny, in only five years, i.e. 2022, more than 60 % of owners and managers are approa­ching the age of 60 or will be older?

This age develo­p­ment in family businesses often goes hand in hand with an Invest­ment backlog and a dange­rous loss of substance, warn the experts at KERN. Depen­ding on their perso­nal state of health, within a few years the majori­ty of German family businesses will fall into the urgent decis­i­on-making processThe succes­si­on plan must be relia­ble and future-orien­ted. As the low-birth-rate cohorts follow, in additi­on to the Quali­fi­ca­ti­on of succes­sor perso­na­li­ties to a quanti­ta­ti­ve bottlen­eck and thus a signi­fi­cant Risk in the succes­si­on plan of family businesses.

Well-prepared business succes­si­on is a success factor.

Where are the succes­sor entre­pre­neurs suppo­sed to come from?”, Ingo Claus points out. Time for the search and a profes­sio­nal prepa­ra­ti­on From the point of view of succes­si­on specia­lists, the be-all and end-all for success in this existen­ti­al questi­on, with which Milli­ons of jobs a success factor that is also extre­me­ly relevant for the natio­nal econo­my. The succes­si­on plan is there­fo­re ultim­ate­ly a questi­on of fate for the further develo­p­ment of a compa­ny. Develo­p­ment of econo­mic power of the Federal Republic of Germa­ny?, says Koerber, who is also incre­asing­ly faced with adviso­ry manda­tes where succes­si­on is no longer econo­mic­al­ly feasi­ble due to ageing and a loss of substance.

The exact Indivi­du­al data of the respec­ti­ve chamber districts in Germa­ny can be obtai­ned from the lower Map take out.

You can find the large succes­si­on study Germa­ny 2020 >here

For further questi­ons or sugges­ti­ons you can reach us at  or +49 421 69208840