Compa­ny Succes­si­on Germa­ny: Largest German Study Reveals explo­si­ve develo­p­ment until 2025 at

  • More than 580,000 compa­nies inves­ti­ga­ted in the turno­ver class from 250,000 euros to 50 milli­on euros ? analog­ous to the IHK districts in Germany.
  • Inter­ac­ti­ve digital map shows compa­nies that will be affec­ted by business succes­si­on in the next 5 years.
  • FREE Download PDF inclu­ding challenges and demands to preser­ve our prosperity

Digital map shows how ageing increa­ses pressu­re on family businesses


What authors and readers say about the study Business Succes­si­on in Germany

Where do the future business succes­sors in Germa­ny come from?

The low birth rate is alrea­dy creating a drama­tic shorta­ge of skilled workers and automa­ti­cal­ly leads to a shorta­ge of entre­pre­neurs. We need a new entre­pre­neu­ri­al spirit!

Ingo Claus, author and partner at KERN in Osnabrück

What impres­sed me most

As specia­lists, we have been aware of the drama­tic prospects for years. The inter­ac­ti­ve map makes it much clearer to me once again what impact the ageing of family businesses will have on all of us?

Nils Koerber, author and founder of KERN

There is hope that more and more entrepreneurs…

?the fact that we are facing a wave of hando­vers makes the study very clear. It gives hope that more and more entre­pre­neurs are looking for the answer to the succes­si­on questi­on in an exter­nal succes­si­on and that the often overbur­den­ed families can successful­ly master the chall­enge this way.?

Ayse Mese, Managing Direc­tor DUB Unternehmensbörse


Get FREE access to the PDF download and the digital inter­ac­ti­ve map! Find out about develo­p­ments in your CCI district in good time!

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