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German Customer-Awards 2024

Flori­an Oberles Exper­ti­se für Ihren Unternehmensverkauf

Jahrgang 1991, Master of Finan­ce an der London School of Econo­mics, ausge­bil­de­ter Finanz­ex­per­te mit Spezia­li­sie­rung im Unter­nehmens­verkauf und -kauf. Als Unter­neh­mer und Manager mit Erfah­rung in der strate­gi­schen Planung sowie dem opera­ti­ven Manage­ment in verschie­de­nen Branchen besit­ze ich einen ganzheit­li­chen Blick auf Ihr Famili­en­un­ter­neh­men und berei­te dieses optimal auf die Nachfol­ge vor. Dabei achte ich auf Ihre spezi­el­len Bedürf­nis­se und entwi­cke­le maßge­schnei­der­te Lösun­gen, denn jede Unternehmens­nachfolge ist individuell.


Wenn Sie Ihr Unter­neh­men verkau­fen, ist der Kaufpreis ein zentra­ler Punkt. Jedoch ist auch die Zahlung entschei­dend, denn diese erfolgt selten in einer einzi­gen Summe. Eine gängi­ge Varian­te ist beispiels­wei­se eine Earn-Out Verein­ba­rung, bei der ein Teil des Kaufprei­ses vom zukünf­ti­gen Erfolg des Unter­neh­mens abhängt. Beliebt sind auch Raten­zah­lun­gen, bei denen ein Teil des Kaufprei­ses über einen festge­leg­ten Zeitraum in Raten gezahlt wird, dies wird oft mit einem Verkäu­fer­dar­le­hen kombiniert. 

In der Praxis gibt es viele weite­re Optio­nen. Wichtig ist, eine indivi­du­ell passen­de Lösung zu finden. Lassen Sie sich von Exper­ten beraten, um die beste Strate­gie für Ihre Situa­ti­on zu entwickeln.

Haben Sie Fragen?

Vertrau­en, Serio­si­tät und Diskre­ti­on sind für uns bei KERN die Basis einer erfolg­rei­chen Beratung zu Ihrem Anlie­gen. Deshalb können Sie mich trans­pa­rent auf unserer Homepage oder in den sozia­len Netzwer­ken kennen­ler­nen. Ich freue mich auf unseren persön­li­chen Kontakt!

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Do you have confi­den­ti­al questi­ons?  Book your free desired appoint­ment direct­ly online

Exciting method for sustainable leader­ship change 

MeinST­ABWECH­SEL is an exciting method for a sustainable change of leader­ship in family businesses. With amazing ease, you find your own values and needs.
At the end of the journey, the goal, path and time frame appeared to me as a 3D vision for my perso­nal baton change. So I worked out my ?to do list? myself in the best atmosphe­re and with the support of KERN.

Klaus-Peter Gust  , Entrepreneur 

I have enjoy­ed working with KERN very much 

I have very much enjoy­ed working with KERN and, as a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the buyer side, am always pleased when sellers ? especi­al­ly family businesses ? recei­ve holistic advice and are speci­fi­cal­ly prepared for a sale.

F.H., respon­si­ble M&A manager in NRW  , Inter­na­tio­nal services group 

… we succee­ded in finding exact­ly the right compa­ny for our parti­cu­lar niche 

We had our growth strategy accom­pa­nied by the specia­lists from KERN. With a precise target analy­sis and detail­ed market research, we succee­ded in finding exact­ly the right compa­ny for our parti­cu­lar niche. The effort invol­ved in such a step should not be undere­sti­ma­ted. With KERN, we have found profes­sio­nal support. At the same time, the succes­si­on problem of the compa­ny to be taken over could be solved substan­ti­al­ly and in the long term.

W.S., Managing Direc­tor from the Frankfurt/Main area  , Waste manage­ment service provi­der, market leader in a niche segment 

Compa­ny sale profes­sio­nal­ly accom­pa­nied and imple­men­ted from start to finish 

KERN profes­sio­nal­ly accom­pa­nied and imple­men­ted my compa­ny sale from start to finish. Finding a buyer was surpri­sin­gly quick and the subse­quent succes­si­on process was compe­tent­ly accom­pa­nied and modera­ted at all times.

H-J. N., entre­pre­neur from Neuss  , Germany’s largest dealer of a premi­um brand of copiers and DMSs 

… We have achie­ved our goal and can defini­te­ly recom­mend working with KERN

The KERN team was recom­men­ded to me as part of our compa­ny sale and, in retro­s­pect, we are very glad to have recei­ved this tip. The negotia­ti­on process for the sale was complex, lengthy and someti­mes threa­ten­ed by emotio­nal misun­derstan­dings in the outco­me. However, thanks to the great experi­ence and skill of our KERN consul­tant, we achie­ved our goal and can defini­te­ly recom­mend working with KERN.

J.F. , Entre­pre­neur in the Osnabrück area  , Trade and techni­cal services 

I hope that family businesses will take advan­ta­ge of your recommendations 

Rarely has the feedback from the audience been so unani­mously positi­ve! You convey­ed the topic authen­ti­cal­ly and with heart in every respect. I hope that family businesses will take advan­ta­ge of your recommendations.

Ingrid Marten  , Weser­marsch Econo­mic Development 

Without the view from outside, we would proba­b­ly never have reached our goal so quick­ly and safely 

In the context of my compa­ny succes­si­on, the merger with a compe­ti­tor compa­ny was the ideal soluti­on. The KERN team, and especi­al­ly Mr. Koerber, accom­pa­nied us sensi­tively as a modera­tor and process facili­ta­tor and combi­ned the interests of both negotia­ting partners well. Without the view from outside and the negotia­ting experi­ence, we would proba­b­ly never have reached our goal so quick­ly and safely!

J.K. Entre­pre­neur from Berlin  , Trade and services 

… are surpri­sed what great energies have been released in all of us 

Change also means dealing with the cultu­re, the goals, the respon­si­bi­li­ties and the “rules of the game” in a compa­ny. With KERN, we have embark­ed on the exciting path of creating our own indivi­du­al corpo­ra­te philo­so­phy and have been surpri­sed at the great energies that have been released in all of us. For the benefit of our custo­mers, employees and the entire compa­ny. Thanks to KERN for the targe­ted and profes­sio­nal modera­ti­on and development.

G-O.B, entre­pre­neur from Koblenz  , Dealers and service provi­ders in the hardware and software sector 

Profes­sio­nal and relia­ble until successful completion 

Especi­al­ly in the diffi­cult phases, my advisor closed the gaps and paved the way for a further negotia­ti­on.
Every­thing was profes­sio­nal and relia­ble, meetings outside normal business hours were possi­ble at any time.
Profes­sio­nal­ly, I feel compre­hen­si­ve and in good hands, the successful conclu­si­on is an expres­si­on of KERN competence!


KERN has clear­ly opened a path for my son 

KERN’s coaching has clear­ly opened up a path for my son, with which we can now dedica­te oursel­ves together to the project of genera­tio­nal change, in the sense of conti­nuing the family business. We as parents simply cannot convey some things in the same way and help to reali­se how a profes­sio­nal coach can.

K.V., entre­pre­neur from Frankfurt  , Traders and service provi­ders in the IT segment 

Especi­al­ly the serious­ness and profes­sio­na­lism gave me a secure feeling at all times 

My pre-selec­tion decis­i­on to 100% proved to be the right one. KERN did a really good job from the prepa­ra­ti­on of my compa­ny in an exposé, to the search for buyers, to the facili­ta­ti­on of negotia­ti­ons and the comple­te imple­men­ta­ti­on of my succes­si­on. In parti­cu­lar, the serious­ness and profes­sio­na­lism gave me a secure feeling at all times. Our goal was successful­ly achie­ved in a good 8 months. I am happy to recom­mend KERN to others.

G.O.K., entre­pre­neur from Hamburg  , Service provi­der with own branch locations 

Final­ly time for a new life plan 

Mr Grepp­mair from KERN assis­ted me with the sale of my caret­a­ker service in Munich in an always pleasant and very compe­tent manner. In just nine months, he managed to sell my compa­ny at a satis­fac­to­ry price despi­te falling sales and the Corona crisis. In doing so, he made a decisi­ve contri­bu­ti­on to a new life plan that I had longed for for a long time. Many thanks for that!

Stefan Krebs  , GEON-Gebäudemanagement 

Without Karl Rehfuß I would proba­b­ly have despai­red of the story long ago 

Without Karl Rehfuß and his often selfless and always optimi­stic commit­ment, I would proba­b­ly have despai­red of histo­ry long ago. All of us here are really glad to have had exact­ly this CORE expert at our side in these past diffi­cult times.

Jürgen Bantel 

Even the parti­cu­lar­ly diffi­cult tasks … were solved optimally 

I am happy to have chosen KERN as my advisor in my succes­si­on process. In the run-up, I also exami­ned other offers and for me, the serious­ness and securi­ty of KERN was the decisi­ve criter­ion. At all times I felt that my KERN ? consul­tant at all times. Even the parti­cu­lar­ly diffi­cult tasks, such as finan­cing questi­ons and the drafting of contracts, were solved in the best possi­ble way. From me again and again!

M.M., entre­pre­neur in the Hanau area near Frankfurt  , Market leader for special services and online trading house 

Coope­ra­ti­on in recent months has been charac­te­ri­sed by profes­sio­na­lism and trust 

The coope­ra­ti­on over the past months has been charac­te­ri­sed by profes­sio­na­lism and trust; I, too, have always felt well repre­sen­ted by you, even though I have been not was your client. All the greater the compli­ment! MANY THANKS!

U.S., entre­pre­neur and buyer of a compa­ny in Bavaria  , IT services 

… how important your topics are and that you were very convin­cing as a speaker. 

Thank you very much for your presen­ta­ti­on at our confe­rence. The unani­mously positi­ve feedback from the 150 members of the audience confirm­ed how important your topics are and that you were very convin­cing as a speak­er from KERN.

Lothar Sand  , German Publishers and Booksel­lers Association 

Speed impres­si­ve, form always appro­pria­te to the situa­ti­on, behaviour honest … 

I would like to thank you very much for your support during the sale of the compa­ny. The speed was impres­si­ve, the form always appro­pria­te to the situa­ti­on, the behaviour honest and unpre­ten­tious ? it could­n’t have been better! Thanks to your support, we were able to conclude this project satis­fac­to­ri­ly for all of us.

C.K., entre­pre­neur from the Weser-Ems region  , Produc­tion compa­ny and trading company 

Especi­al­ly the serious­ness and profes­sio­na­lism gave me a secure feeling at all times 

G.O.K., entre­pre­neur from Hamburg  Service provi­der with own branch locations 

My pre-selec­tion decis­i­on to 100% proved to be the right one. KERN did a really good job from the prepa­ra­ti­on of my compa­ny in an exposé, to the search for buyers, to the facili­ta­ti­on of negotia­ti­ons and the comple­te imple­men­ta­ti­on of my succes­si­on. In parti­cu­lar, the serious­ness and profes­sio­na­lism gave me a secure feeling at all times. Our goal was successful­ly achie­ved in a good 8 months. I am happy to recom­mend KERN to others.

… We have achie­ved our goal and can defini­te­ly recom­mend working with KERN

J.F. , Entre­pre­neur in the Osnabrück area  Trade and techni­cal services 

The KERN team was recom­men­ded to me as part of our compa­ny sale and, in retro­s­pect, we are very glad to have recei­ved this tip. The negotia­ti­on process for the sale was complex, lengthy and someti­mes threa­ten­ed by emotio­nal misun­derstan­dings in the outco­me. However, thanks to the great experi­ence and skill of our KERN consul­tant, we achie­ved our goal and can defini­te­ly recom­mend working with KERN.

… are surpri­sed what great energies have been released in all of us 

G-O.B, entre­pre­neur from Koblenz  Dealers and service provi­ders in the hardware and software sector 

Change also means dealing with the cultu­re, the goals, the respon­si­bi­li­ties and the “rules of the game” in a compa­ny. With KERN, we have embark­ed on the exciting path of creating our own indivi­du­al corpo­ra­te philo­so­phy and have been surpri­sed at the great energies that have been released in all of us. For the benefit of our custo­mers, employees and the entire compa­ny. Thanks to KERN for the targe­ted and profes­sio­nal modera­ti­on and development.

Start enter­pri­se value calcu­la­ti­on FREE OF CHARGE

For what reason do you want to calcu­la­te the enter­pri­se value?

Compa­ny valua­ti­on calcu­la­tor - A compre­hen­si­ve guide
Auf den Punkt gebracht Firmen­wert Rechner als Basis: Nutzt das EBIT-Multi­pli­ka­tor Verfah­ren als fundier­ten Anhalts­punkt für die initia­le und indikative[…]
Selling a medium-sized compa­ny: success factors, common mista­kes and practi­cal tips
Der Pfad zum erfolg­rei­chen M&A (Kurzform für Merger & Acqui­si­ti­ons) im Mittel­stand erfor­dert strate­gi­sche Planung, kluge Durch­füh­rung und die Vermeidung[…]
Earn out when selling a compa­ny
Der Earn Out ist ein wesent­li­cher Bestand­teil bei Firmen­ver­käu­fen, um einen gerech­ten und zukunfts­ori­en­tier­ten Kaufpreis zu gewähr­leis­ten. Er teilt den[…]

Was können wir für Sie tun?

I would like advice on …

M&A Beratung für Unternehmens­nachfolge & Unter­nehmens­verkauf in Heidel­berg
Legal­ly indepen­dent locati­on
Flori­an Oberle
Berghei­mer Str. 147
69115 Heidel­berg

Mobil: +49 151 41 30 49 67