Josef André & Karl Rehfuß ? Your specia­lists for business succession

Looking for a succes­sor? The safe way to compa­ny succes­si­on in Freiburg im Breisgau

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German Customer-Awards 2024

Josef Andrés Exper­ti­se für Ihre erfolg­rei­che Unternehmens­nachfolge in Freiburg

Born 1975, gradua­te engineer (HTL), specia­li­sing in civil enginee­ring, quali­fied syste­mic business & manage­ment coach (CAS/ECA) with a focus on change manage­ment, innova­ti­on and transaction.

Specia­list for business succes­si­on, Compa­ny sale and compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on in Switz­er­land. Founder and managing partner of several inter­na­tio­nal­ly active compa­nies in the field of market research / consul­ting / training / human resour­ces development.

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Karl Rehfuß Exper­ti­se für Ihre erfolg­rei­che Unternehmens­nachfolge in Freiburg

Born in 1968, commer­cial specia­list (IHK). Exten­si­ve experi­ence in the develo­p­ment and expan­si­on of medium-sized compa­nies in specia­li­sed whole­sa­le and indus­try within the construc­tion sector and its infrastructure.

In additi­on, many years of manage­ment experi­ence with a focus on supply chain manage­ment, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal sales and human resour­ces manage­ment. Autho­ri­sed consul­tant and lectu­rer of the SME OFFENSIVE for business succession.

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Do you have confi­den­ti­al questi­ons? Book your free desired appoint­ment direct­ly online

Zukunfts­fä­hig­keit für WIBRE im Einklang mit der Familie gesichert 

Wir hatten bei uns eine länger andau­ern­de, unzufrie­den­stel­len­de Situa­ti­on bzgl. der Fortfüh­rung des Famili­en­un­ter­neh­mens. Durch die Unter­stüt­zung der Herren Rehfuß und Grepp­mair von KERN wurde erstmals der Weg für gemein­sa­me Ziele geebnet. Die Zukunfts­fä­hig­keit für WIBRE ist somit für meinen Bruder und mich im Einklang mit der gesam­ten Familie gesichert.

Besten Dank für die Begleitung!

Chris­ti­an Breuninger  , Geschäfts­lei­tung | WIBRE Elektrogeräte 

Mr Rehfuß from KERN provi­ded us with compe­tent and profes­sio­nal support at all times. 

Mr. Rehfuß from the KERN locati­on in Stutt­gart provi­ded us with compe­tent and profes­sio­nal support at all times during the compa­ny takeover. Even diffi­cult phases were handled successful­ly and prompt­ly. The advice & support was important and helped us in all aspects of this very complex topic.

Gilbert Di Zillo  , IGZ GmbH 

Without Karl Rehfuß I would proba­b­ly have despai­red of the story long ago 

Without Karl Rehfuß and his often selfless and always optimi­stic commit­ment, I would proba­b­ly have despai­red of histo­ry long ago. All of us here are really glad to have had exact­ly this CORE expert at our side in these past diffi­cult times.

Jürgen Bantel 

Very much appre­cia­ted his abili­ty to get to grips with the ins and outs of family businesses 

Petra Rausch ? Entre­pre­neur from Lohmar  Berät Famili­en­un­ter­neh­men bei Internationalisierungsprojekten 

I got to know Mr Claus in 2010 as part of an expan­si­on project for an owner-managed compa­ny. During this time, I came to appre­cia­te his goal-orien­ted approach and his abili­ty to get to grips with the speci­fics of family businesses. I am happy to recom­mend him.

Using many examp­les, he descri­bed the complex process of finding a succes­sor in a very practi­cal way 

T.M. ? Compa­ny sales­man from Osnabrück 

I got to know Ingo Claus from KERN as a speak­er at a highly recom­men­ded workshop on the topic of selling a compa­ny. Using many examp­les, he descri­bed the complex process of finding a succes­sor in a very practi­cal way.

We have Ingo Claus from KERN to thank for the unexpec­ted­ly successful sale of our company 

Katha­ri­na Leisner ? Specia­list planner from Harsewinkel  Inhabe­rin eines Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros 

Mr. Ingo Claus had accom­pa­nied us in the diffi­cult task of finding a suita­ble succes­sor for our expert office. We owe the unexpec­ted­ly successful sale of our compa­ny to him. Mr Claus has a fine sense for tricky negotia­ting situa­tions, skilful­ly and calmly he finds the right ideas for soluti­ons that are accep­ta­ble to both contrac­ting parties. Mr Claus accom­pa­nied the project with a wealth of experi­ence, knowledge of human nature and negotia­ting skills. We are happy to recom­mend him.

Start enter­pri­se value calcu­la­ti­on FREE OF CHARGE

For what reason do you want to calcu­la­te the enter­pri­se value?

Compa­ny takeover: A guide to getting started
Eine Unter­neh­mens­über­nah­me ist beson­ders im Mittel­stand eine spannen­de Alter­na­ti­ve zur Existenz­grün­dung ? sie ermög­licht einen schnel­le­ren Start mit einem bewährten[…]
Compa­ny valua­ti­on calcu­la­tor - A compre­hen­si­ve guide
Auf den Punkt gebracht Firmen­wert Rechner als Basis: Nutzt das EBIT-Multi­pli­ka­tor Verfah­ren als fundier­ten Anhalts­punkt für die initia­le und indikative[…]
Verkäu­fer­dar­le­hen: Firmen­kauf Finan­zie­rung leicht gemacht mit Vendor Loan
Seller loans can be a useful tool for finan­cing a compa­ny purcha­se. Through these loans, buyers can raise a large part of the purcha­se sum,[…]

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KERN Corpo­ra­te Succes­si­on Freiburg
Legal­ly indepen­dent locati­on
Josef André & Karl Rehfuß
Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 254
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Phone +49 761 55724843

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