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Spedi­ti­on Knorr GmbH - Sale of the company

Logo Spedition Knorr GmbH
  • Freight forwar­ding IC002254
  • Compa­ny sale | Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on | Genera­ti­on change
  • Super­vi­sed by: Ingo Claus

About the company 

Founded in 1948, the trans­port compa­ny has estab­lished itself over the decades as a relia­ble logistics partner for feed logistics in northern Germa­ny. Due to the sudden death of her father, Jill Schwadt­ke, who was not invol­ved in the indus­try, took over the role of share­hol­der at short notice.

The task 

Due to the sudden occur­rence of an inheri­tance, the company’s succes­si­on had to be organis­ed at short notice. In additi­on to securing the assets, the focus was on the proper conti­nua­tion of feed logistics for the PHW Group and securing jobs.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

After analy­sing the initi­al situa­ti­on, KERN drew up a step-by-step plan for the share­hol­der to regula­te the succes­si­on in an order­ly manner, which resul­ted in the sale of the forwar­ding compa­ny to MEGA Tierer­näh­rung. The legal support for the compa­ny succes­si­on and the imple­men­ta­ti­on of this compa­ny sale was provi­ded by the lawyer Dr. Chris­ti­an Mäscher from Osnabrück.

What the client says about the project

Jill Schwadt­ke:

?At short notice, I was faced with the chall­enge of organi­s­ing the compa­ny succes­si­on for our freight forwar­ding compa­ny. With KERN, we were able to reali­se the sale of the compa­ny to a long-standing custo­mer in a short time. Mr Claus managed this process for my mother and me, as I had neither the neces­sa­ry exper­ti­se nor the time. From the initi­al phase, in which you first want to under­stand what options even exist, to the indivi­du­al tasks such as:

- the exposé,
- Contacts with poten­ti­al custo­mers,
- Talks with the bank,
- the contact to a suita­ble lawyer,
- Recon­ci­lia­ti­ons with the tax advisor
… to appoint­ment coordi­na­ti­on, negotia­ti­ons and follow-up, I always felt very well advised.

I really liked the trust­wor­t­hy, compe­tent, human and trans­pa­rent way of acting. I would whole­he­ar­ted­ly recom­mend KERN to anyone dealing with the topic of succes­si­on or sale.?

About the buyer

MEGA Tierer­näh­rung is a compa­ny of the PHW Group and a suppli­er of the poultry produ­cer WIESENHOF. The compa­ny was founded in 1972 by Paul Wesjo­hann in Rechterfeld, Lower Saxony, where the compa­ny headquar­ters are still located today.