Profes­sio­nal succes­si­on counselling

Secure the future of your compa­ny with one of our succes­si­on consultants

Ihr Partner deutsch­land­weit - für jede Phase der Unternehmensnachfolge

The hando­ver of your compa­ny raises important questi­ons: What is your compa­ny really worth? How do you organi­se the hando­ver trans­par­ent­ly and fairly for everyo­ne invol­ved? Where can you find a buyer or succes­sor who not only fits the compa­ny finan­ci­al­ly, but also culturally?

Every compa­ny tells its own story ? charac­te­ri­sed by the dreams, passi­on and unwave­ring commit­ment of its founders. The trans­fer of your life’s work is there­fo­re much more than a finan­cial act; it is the moment when your vision finds a new future.

Start video

Who helps with compa­ny succession? 

Die Tiefe dieser Entschei­dung respek­tie­rend, stellen wir Ihnen erfah­re­ne Berater, Rechts­an­wäl­te und Steuer­be­ra­ter zur Seite, die spezia­li­siert auf die Komple­xi­tät und Einzig­ar­tig­keit jeder Nachfol­ge­si­tua­ti­on sind.

Unsere Beratung ist so indivi­du­ell wie Ihr Unter­neh­men selbst, sei es bei der Maximi­sing value at the end of your career, the Harmo­ni­sa­ti­on of family and business goals, the Integra­ti­on of exter­nal managers or the strate­gic support for inves­tors and M&A specia­lists.

Wir beglei­ten Sie durch jeden Schritt des Überga­be­pro­zes­ses, von der Bewer­tung bis zur erfolg­rei­chen Überga­be. Kontak­tie­ren Sie uns für eine persön­li­che Erstbe­ra­tung und begin­nen Sie den nächs­ten Schritt in der Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens.

Do you have confi­den­ti­al questions?

Book your free desired appoint­ment direct­ly online

Nils Koerber - Portrait

Why profes­sio­nal succes­si­on counsel­ling? 8 Advan­ta­ges

Working with a KERN succes­si­on consul­tant will secure your compa­ny 8 decisi­ve advan­ta­ges in the transi­ti­on process:

Auflistung der 8 Vorteile bei der Nachfolgeberatung


Guaran­teed success

We stand behind our services with convic­tion. If we do not sell your compa­ny within 24 months, we will refund the up-front costs. A promi­se that creates trust.


Perso­na­li­sed succes­si­on plan

We work with you to develop a compre­hen­si­ve plan that covers all aspects - from manage­ment to schedu­ling. Our goal is seamless implementation.


Objec­ti­ve perspective

An exter­nal view helps to avoid getting lost in the details and instead to keep an eye on the big pictu­re, which is essen­ti­al for strate­gic decisions.


Conflict resolu­ti­on

We offer support in resol­ving inter­nal conflicts to ensure a smooth manage­ment transi­ti­on and a shorten­ed transi­ti­on phase.


Sound decis­i­on-making

With deep insights into your compa­ny and its poten­ti­al, we guide you to decis­i­ons that ensure the success of the succession.


Anony­mi­ty in the buyer search

We act discreet­ly on your behalf to confi­den­ti­al­ly approach poten­ti­al buyers and quick­ly find the right successor.


Access to exclu­si­ve resources

Benefit from our network and exper­ti­se to make the most of oppor­tu­ni­ties such as compa­ny stock exchan­ges, purcha­se price finan­cing and tax relief.


Cost savings

Exter­nal advice can not only be more cost-effec­ti­ve than inter­nal soluti­ons, but also general­ly increa­ses the sales proceeds of your company.

Ablauf einer Nachfolgeberatung

Proce­du­re of the succes­si­on counselling

Our careful­ly struc­tu­red advice will guide you through the process step by step:


Strategy develo­p­ment

First­ly, we work with you to define the right strategy for your compa­ny, be it the search for inter­nal succes­sors or prepa­ra­ti­ons for a sale. In doing so, we take into account both the value of the compa­ny and your perso­nal and family goals.


Search for a successor

KERN has well over 300,000 maintai­ned and verified inves­tor profiles in its databa­ses alone. With access to our exten­si­ve databa­se, we can identi­fy the right succes­sor for your company.



We guide you through the negotia­ti­on process, ensure the neces­sa­ry discre­ti­on and assist you with the due diligence process.


Hando­ver planning

We plan all the details of the transi­ti­on to ensure a seamless changeover.


Conclu­si­on and transition

In the final step, we support you in the comple­te imple­men­ta­ti­on of the transi­ti­on - from employee and custo­mer commu­ni­ca­ti­on to the familia­ri­sa­ti­on of the new manage­ment with the corpo­ra­te culture.

Your advan­ta­ges of a partner­ship with KERN

Perso­na­li­sed succes­si­on planning that respects your compa­ny and your vision!

In den entschei­den­den Momen­ten, wenn es darum geht, Ihr Lebens­werk in neue Hände zu legen, steht KERN an Ihrer Seite. Unsere Berater nehmen sich Zeit, Ihre persön­li­che Unter­neh­mens­ge­schich­te und die damit verbun­de­nen Heraus­for­de­run­gen zu verste­hen.

Gemein­sam mit Ihnen erarbei­ten wir Lösun­gen, die genau auf die DNA Ihres Unter­neh­mens abgestimmt sind. Unsere jahrzehn­te­lan­ge Erfah­rung hat uns gelehrt, die Nuancen und Heraus­for­de­run­gen einer erfolg­rei­chen Nachfol­ge­re­ge­lung genau zu erkennen.


Compa­ny owner

Use our exper­ti­se to achie­ve maximum compa­ny value and a digni­fied transi­ti­on of your life’s work.


Succes­sors within the family

We help to create a balan­ce between legacy and future vision in order to successful­ly conti­nue the company.


Exter­nal managers

As your strate­gic partner, we support the smooth integra­ti­on and disco­very of new potential.


Inves­tors and M&A specialists

Benefit from our in-depth under­stan­ding of the market for well-founded decis­i­ons and sustainable investments.



Expand your consul­ting services with our specia­li­sed knowledge and a strong network.

Start enter­pri­se value calcu­la­ti­on FREE OF CHARGE

For what reason do you want to calcu­la­te the enter­pri­se value?

How business succes­si­on becomes a success
will. The expert guide for
Family business.

Concen­tra­ted exper­ti­se and compact infor­ma­ti­on incl. a compa­ny sale check­list. 25 M&A advisors from KERN have compi­led the most important infor­ma­ti­on for your successful Compa­ny sale proce­du­re summa­ri­sed. NEW: Now inclu­ding exten­si­ve Compa­ny sale checklist

German Customer-Awards 2024

How we support you

At KERN, we under­stand that every transi­ti­on is unique.

Our aim is to offer you a clear and custo­mi­sed path through the complex process.

Compa­ny sale

Learn every­thing you need to know about selling your life’s work. In the video “Selling a compa­ny in 10 steps” you will learn about the proven KERN M&A process. Also in the video, you will learn how the founders of Acoustic­pearls fulfil­led their dream by selling their company.

Learn more >

Genera­ti­on change

Succes­si­on within the family needs soluti­ons that also take the emotio­nal side into account. In the video with Nils Koerber, disco­ver the holistic KERN family process for genera­tio­nal change. Get your free copy of the expert guide as a PDF download.

Learn more >

Compa­ny acquisition

Buying a compa­ny is a big decis­i­on. Here you can find out why this path is easier, more lucra­ti­ve and more exciting than setting up your own business. Disco­ver how the KERN network can help you with your successful business purcha­se. Start right away by setting up your free search profile.

Learn more >

Nils Koerber

Compa­ny succes­si­on. The art of letting go.


Why is compa­ny succes­si­on important? 

A careful­ly planned and imple­men­ted succes­si­on secures the future of your compa­ny and preser­ves the life’s work of the entre­pre­neu­ri­al family for future generations.

What needs to be taken into account in business succession?

Wichtig sind die Bewer­tung des Unter­neh­mens, die Planung und Durch­füh­rung von Manage­ment Buy-Outs oder Manage­ment Buy-Ins, recht­li­che und steuer­li­che Überle­gun­gen, sowie die Wahl der besten Nachfol­ge­stra­te­gie für Ihre persön­li­che Situation.

Was ist die beste Nachfolgeregelung? 

Die beste Regelung ist indivi­du­ell und wird in enger Abstim­mung mit Ihnen entwi­ckelt, um Ihre persön­li­chen und unter­neh­me­ri­schen Ziele zu erreichen.

Was ist eine Unternehmensnachfolgeplanung? 

Sie ist der Prozess der Vorbe­rei­tung und Durch­füh­rung des Übergangs eines Unter­neh­mens von einem Eigen­tü­mer zum nächs­ten, einschließ­lich der Bewer­tung des Unter­neh­mens, der Identi­fi­zie­rung poten­zi­el­ler Nachfol­ger, und der Umset­zung der Nachfolgestrategie.

Was ist eine entschei­den­de Rolle bei der Nachfolgeplanung? 

Eine entschei­den­de Rolle in der Nachfol­ge­pla­nung spielen Lawyers and Tax consul­tant, die sicher­stel­len, dass alle recht­li­chen und steuer­li­chen Aspek­te umfas­send berück­sich­tigt werden.

Where can you find the right consul­tant for your company?

We know that behind every compa­ny there are not just numbers, but people. That is why we attach great importance to being available to our clients - the entre­pre­neurs and their families - where­ver they are. To ensure this, we have an exten­si­ve network estab­lished at locati­ons in Germa­ny, Austria, Switz­er­land, Poland and Portu­gal. No matter where you are, an experi­en­ced consul­tant from our team is never far away.

Choose your consul­tant throug­hout Germa­ny and Europe

To make it easier for you to find the right consul­tant, we offer you a compact overview of our partner network in this table. 

Disco­ver the consul­tant who shares your vision and will guide you safely into the future.

Name Locati­on Surroun­dings
Joseph Andre Compa­ny succes­si­on Basel  Compa­ny sale in Basel and Switzerland
Reto Faulen­bach Compa­ny succes­si­on Bayreuth  Compa­ny sale in Bayreuth
Micha­el Wicht Compa­ny Succes­si­on Berlin  Compa­ny sale & compa­ny succes­si­on in Berlin
Nils Koerber & Hubert Winkler Compa­ny succes­si­on Bremen  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Bremen and the Weser-Ems region
Thors­ten Edelmann Compa­ny Succes­si­on Dresden  Compa­ny sale & compa­ny succes­si­on in Dresden
Dominik Ruge Compa­ny succes­si­on Eisenach  Compa­ny succes­si­on & compa­ny sale in Eisenach
Dr Peter Slawek Compa­ny succes­si­on Essen  Compa­ny Succes­si­on & Compa­ny Sale in Essen and Surroundings
Thomas Dörr Compa­ny succes­si­on Frankfurt  Compa­ny succes­si­on & compa­ny sale in Frank­furt and the surroun­ding area
Josef André & Karl Rehfuß Compa­ny Succes­si­on Freiburg  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Freiburg im Breisgau
Micha­el Feier Compa­ny succes­si­on Graz Compa­ny succes­si­on in Graz and Austria
Dominik Ruge Compa­ny succes­si­on Halle  Compa­ny succes­si­on & compa­ny sale in Halle
Nicole Kalon­da & Götz Kehrein Compa­ny Succes­si­on Hamburg  Compa­ny sale & compa­ny succes­si­on in Hamburg
Fried­rich von Boeselager Compa­ny succes­si­on Hamm Compa­ny sale & compa­ny succes­si­on in Hamm
Axel Bergmann & Jörn Greve Compa­ny succes­si­on Hanover  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Hanover
Flori­an Oberle Unternehmens­nachfolge Heidelberg  Unternehmens­nachfolge & Unter­nehmens­verkauf in Heidelberg
Roland Grepp­mair & Holger Habermann Compa­ny succes­si­on Ingolstadt  Compa­ny succes­si­on & compa­ny sale in Ingolstadt
Antonio Galluc­ci Compa­ny Succes­si­on Kaiserslautern  Compa­ny sale & compa­ny succes­si­on in Rhineland-Palatinate
Nicole Kalon­da & Götz Kehrein Compa­ny Succes­si­on Kiel  Succes­si­on counsel­ling in Kiel
Klaus Knuff­mann Compa­ny succes­si­on Krefeld  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Krefeld
Alexan­der Mehnert Compa­ny Succes­si­on Cologne Bonn  Compa­ny succes­si­on in the Cologne/Bonn region
Klaus Müller Compa­ny succes­si­on Linz  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Linz and Austria
René Lüscher Compa­ny Succes­si­on Lucerne  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Lucer­ne and Switzerland
Norbert Lang Compa­ny succes­si­on Memmingen  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Memmingen
Roland Grepp­mair & Holger Habermann Compa­ny Succes­si­on Munich  Compa­ny Succes­si­on & Compa­ny Sale in Munich and Bavaria
Ingo Claus Compa­ny succes­si­on Münster  Succes­si­on counsel­ling in Münster
Wolfgang A. Bürger Compa­ny succes­si­on Nuremberg  Compa­ny Succes­si­on & Sale Nurem­berg Franco­nia and Upper Palatinate
Ingo Claus Compa­ny succes­si­on Osnabrück  Compa­ny Succes­si­on & Compa­ny Sale in Osnabrück, Münster, East Westphalia
Dennis Schäfer Compa­ny succes­si­on Regensburg  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Regens­burg and the Upper Palatinate
Karl Rehfuß Compa­ny succes­si­on Rottweil  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Rottweil and the Lake Constance region
Antonio Galluc­ci Business Succes­si­on Saarbrücken  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Saarbrü­cken and Saarland
Holger Haber­mann Compa­ny Succes­si­on Salzburg  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Salzburg and Austria
Nicole Kalon­da & Götz Kehrein Compa­ny succes­si­on Schwerin  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Schwe­rin and Mecklen­burg-Western Pomerania
Karl Rehfuß Compa­ny Succes­si­on Stuttgart  Compa­ny Succes­si­on & Compa­ny Sale in Stutt­gart and Baden-Württemberg
Micha­el Feier Compa­ny Succes­si­on Vienna  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Vienna and Austria
Antonio Galluc­ci Compa­ny succes­si­on Wiesbaden  Manage­ment consul­tancy for compa­ny sale & compa­ny succes­si­on in Wiesbaden
Wolfgang A. Bürger Compa­ny succes­si­on Würzburg  Compa­ny succes­si­on in Würzburg
Daniel Heuer Compa­ny Succes­si­on Zurich  Compa­ny Succes­si­on & Compa­ny Sale in Zurich and Switzerland

The KERN custo­mer references

The project included the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, compa­ny valua­ti­on, buyer search and approach as well as the organi­sa­ti­on and modera­ti­on of the entire sales process up to the final drafting of the contract.

The M&A project, which recei­ved an award from Wirtschafts­wo­che, was successful­ly comple­ted in less than 11 months. 

The mecha­ni­cal enginee­ring compa­ny was successful­ly sold within 15 months. The project included the comple­te sales process.

The right time for counselling

The ideal time to take advan­ta­ge of profes­sio­nal succes­si­on counsel­ling, is now! The earlier you start, the more options are open to you and the more targe­ted the transi­ti­on can be. An early start allows for careful planning, value enhance­ment and identi­fi­ca­ti­on of the ideal succes­sor ? Elements that make the diffe­rence between a good and a great result.

Profes­sio­nal support with succes­si­on planning

The KERN Consul­ting Group recog­ni­s­es the comple­xi­ty and scope of succes­si­on planning. Our consul­tants offer in-depth exper­ti­se in each topic and exten­si­ve access to resour­ces to support every aspect of your transi­ti­on individually:

Strategy develo­p­ment: From the initi­al idea to full imple­men­ta­ti­on, inclu­ding evalua­ti­on and integra­ti­on plans. Manage­ment buy-in and Manage­ment buy-out These are two important strate­gies that we consider when develo­ping your custo­mi­sed succes­si­on solution.

Mindful trans­fer of values: We take into account the tradi­ti­ons of your compa­ny in order to ensure a smooth and respectful hando­ver in the Compa­ny sale to ensure that

Speci­al­ly custo­mi­sed soluti­ons: Each consul­ta­ti­on is tailo­red to the speci­fic requi­re­ments of your company.

M&A strate­gies in succes­si­on consulting

M&A strate­gies are a central compo­nent of succes­si­on planning. KERN combi­nes proven tradi­ti­ons with innova­ti­ve approa­ches to optimi­se your strategy ? for current challenges and future opportunities.

What makes a good succes­si­on advisor?

A compe­tent advisor is the founda­ti­on for success. At KERN, with over 20 years of experi­ence and more than 1,000 successful­ly support­ed succes­si­on manda­tes, we know that it takes far more than the support of a single compa­ny sale to fulfil the diver­se requi­re­ments. The right mix of quali­fi­ca­ti­ons, experi­ence and exper­ti­se is crucial.

Experi­ence and expertise

Our advisors are not only experts in their field, but also empathe­tic listen­ers who are attun­ed to the indivi­du­al stories of each entre­pre­neur. They under­stand the unique challenges that every succes­si­on brings and use their knowledge to provi­de you with the best possi­ble support.

The inter­per­so­nal level

Das Funda­ment jeder erfolg­rei­chen Nachfol­ge­be­ra­tung ist Vertrau­en. Bei KERN wissen wir, wie sensi­bel die Offen­le­gung von Geschäfts­da­ten und die Diskus­si­on von Heraus­for­de­run­gen inner­halb eines Unter­neh­mens sind. Unser Ansatz beruht auf offener und ehrli­cher Kommu­ni­ka­ti­on, wobei wir stets die Anony­mi­tät unserer Mandan­ten wahren und ihre Inter­es­sen vertre­ten.

Jeder Unter­neh­mer bringt seine eigene Erfah­run­gen, seine Sorgen und Hoffnun­gen mit in den Beratungs­pro­zess. Unsere Berater schaf­fen eine Atmosphä­re des Vertrau­ens und des offenen Dialogs, um gemein­sam mit Ihnen die beste Lösung für Ihr Unter­neh­men und Ihre Familie zu finden.

Beson­ders im Kontext von Famili­en­un­ter­neh­men, wo persön­li­che und geschäft­li­che Bezie­hun­gen eng mitein­an­der verfloch­ten sind, ist eine vertrau­ens­vol­le und respekt­vol­le Beratung entschei­dend. Wir schät­zen das in uns gesetz­te Vertrau­en und verpflich­ten uns, es mit größter Sorgfalt zu behandeln.

Der wichtigs­te Schritt für eine erfolg­rei­che Nachfol­ge - Wegen dem Kern hinter KERN.

With timely planning, you decide the course of events! Whether you pass on a family business to the next Genera­ti­on Whether you are handing over your compa­ny, looking for an exter­nal succes­sor or evalua­ting strate­gic options for your growth compa­ny, the early invol­vement of profes­sio­nal advice will ensure the success of your transition.

At KERN Succes­si­on Consul­tancy, we under­stand the unique­ness of every compa­ny and the importance of perso­nal goals. Our experts are ready to work with you to develop a future-proof, coher­ent succes­si­on strategy that fulfils your wishes and needs.

Start video

Start the most important step for the future of your compa­ny today

Contact us for a non-binding initi­al consul­ta­ti­on. Disco­ver how we can reali­se your visions and set the course for a successful succession.

Known from numerous publications

Frankfurter Allgemeine
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Thueringer allgemeine Zeitung
Saarbrücker Zeitung
Mittelstand Nachrichten
Radio Bremen
Zeit Campus
Handwerk Magazin
Osnabruecker Zeitung
Financial Planning
Weser Kurier
Unternehmer Radio
Kronen Zeitung