The emergen­cy plan is your 360° service for the conti­nua­tion of your business

If you sudden­ly become unavailable as a boss, we make the world of compa­nies safer!

Ensure the conti­nui­ty of the company

Tailor-made emergen­cy concepts

Safe, relia­ble, with system

1. the emergen­cy plan concept

What happens to and in your family and your compa­ny if you drop out overnight? Are your family members, your employees and the struc­tu­re of your compa­ny prepared for this?

Are all powers of attor­ney, regula­ti­ons and dispo­si­ti­ons up to date with the legal frame­work? Does each of your deputies know exact­ly what they have to do? It can happen to anyone, every day and at any age. With specia­lists, we offer you the perfect 360-degree soluti­on for all family and compa­ny needs in the event of an emergency.

Once develo­ped, every­thing is conti­nuous­ly adjus­ted and control­led together with you. State-of-the-art techno­lo­gy secures your prepa­ra­ti­ons and at the same time provi­des 24/7 immedia­te access in case of emergency.


2. the effici­ent process with experts

Our specia­lists for emergen­cy concepts develop your tailor-made emergen­cy plan with you and your relati­ves online or on site. Taking into account your indivi­du­al situa­ti­on in the priva­te and profes­sio­nal sphere. Legal, fiscal, econo­mic and emotio­nal aspects are confi­den­ti­al­ly exchan­ged in a safe frame­work and integra­ted into a perfect emergen­cy plan for you. The promi­se: The creati­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on run like Swiss clock­work. Highly effec­ti­ve and effici­ent at the same time.

With experts who have been focused only on this task for entre­pre­neurs and compa­nies every day for many years. 


3. the all-round carefree service with system

In one day, our specia­lists will work with you to develop the entire frame­work for your emergen­cy plan. By the way, banks also reward profes­sio­nal provi­si­on with better interest rates. You will recei­ve a separa­te certi­fi­ca­te as proof of this.

Then all the building blocks are cast into the right shape and coordi­na­ted with you down to the last detail. If desired, at a fixed price and with trans­pa­rent proof of expen­dit­u­re.Your relati­ves are intro­du­ced to the system and digital­ly you have the desired access at any time. Optio­nal­ly, for a small flat fee, you recei­ve ongoing monito­ring, adapt­a­ti­on to new laws or changes in your profes­sio­nal and perso­nal life situation.

All-round protec­tion that lets you look to the future with confidence.

Rundum Sorglos Service

This is a recom­men­da­ti­on to all! 

As an entre­pre­neur, I have to plan my time very effici­ent­ly. That is why I decided to prepa­re my compa­ny emergen­cy concept via video confe­rence. All points were very well prepared and we worked on the relevant documents and aspects together on the screen in an extra­or­di­na­ri­ly time-saving way. This is a recom­men­da­ti­on to everyo­ne who, like me, wants to have this important topic done quick­ly without travel time.

Sven Dechant  , Managing Direc­tor, DECHANT Representations 

A must for every respon­si­ble entre­pre­neu­ri­al family! 

We were very happy to have the specia­lists guide us through the process of creating our emergen­cy plan. The well-conside­red choice of the right trusted persons as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves for the family and compa­ny areas was parti­cu­lar­ly important for us. We great­ly appre­cia­ted the compre­hen­si­ve and perso­na­li­sed advice tailo­red to our own situa­ti­on. A must for every respon­si­ble entre­pre­neu­ri­al family!

Chris­toph Auer  , Partner, Auer + Auer Architektenbüro 

We would be happy to recom­mend KERN

With the birth of our daugh­ter, it was very important for us to take care of our emergen­cy planning for the family and the business. The emergen­cy kit expert support­ed us perfect­ly in this. The many practi­cal examp­les of our emergen­cy advisor helped us perso­nal­ly a lot to make the right decis­i­ons for our emergen­cy plan. We created our emergen­cy plan in less than a day: for us as a business family, this was very effici­ent. We are happy to recom­mend this specialist!

J. Hafner  , Entre­pre­neu­ri­al woman, carpen­try Holzbau Rieger 

Sign up now and recei­ve your emergen­cy plan check­list for FREE as a PDF download.

Check careful­ly how well your compa­ny is cover­ed in the event of your failure? These most important situa­tions from every­day business life also apply to you! Which important powers of attor­ney do you need? This depends on your type of compa­ny and share­hol­der structure!

My compa­ny is located in:
  • Germa­ny
  • Austria
  • Switz­er­land