Top Consultant

KERN Group again recei­ves award in consul­tant quality

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

What a beautiful occasion!

Our clients have spoken for and about us. As part of the science-based Top-Consul­tant compe­ti­ti­on, we as the KERN consul­ting group were once again honou­red. Last Friday evening in the Jahrhun­dert­hal­le in Frank­furt, former Federal Presi­dent Chris­ti­an Wulff, as mentor of this compe­ti­ti­on, presen­ted us with this award. We celebra­ted this special evening with over 1,200 entre­pre­neurs and consul­tants from Germany.

In additi­on, compa­nies were also selec­ted as top innova­tors. Thus, advisors and entre­pre­neurs from the SME sector came together in excel­lent spirits.

The evening was hosted by Tages­schau anchor­wo­man Linda Zerva­kis. Since that evening I have been watching the news with diffe­rent eyes ? What humour, what quick-witted­ness, intel­li­gence and authen­ti­ci­ty. From my point of view, Linda Zerva­kis could play quite a few other stages.

And there was a remar­kab­le speech by our former Federal Presi­dent. Clear, pointed, substan­ti­al and honest. With attitu­de. Wow! After­wards, 1,200 guests stood up and applau­ded for minutes without end. Wulff had ‘picked us up’.

And there were speeches by Tarek Al-Wazir as Minis­ter of Econo­mics and Deputy Prime Minis­ter and Ranga Yogeshwar as mentor for the selec­ted compa­nies to the Top Innovator.

Thanks to our customers

cheerful and celebra­to­ry setting. Thanks to our custo­mers for the
appre­cia­ti­ve evalua­ti­on of our work.

This is important for all of us in the KERN team a great gift! 

Tips for further reading:

Succes­si­on planning - creating the right conditions

Unregu­la­ted compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger family businesses in the printing industry

Soft” factors to increase the value of the company

Pictu­re: Copyright: KD BUSCH.COM