A genera­tio­nal change can also be combi­ned with financing

Every genera­tio­nal change in a family business also requi­res a detail­ed econo­mic and finan­cial conside­ra­ti­on in the overall process. After all, there are aspects of inheri­tance law, tax advan­ta­ges and disad­van­ta­ges, or the issue of “justi­ce” in a family system with several succes­sors or affec­ted persons. 

Giving or inheri­ting is not the only solution

It is possi­ble that the family business is the largest and most important value compo­nent for the retire­ment provi­si­on of the trans­fer­or. Or several siblings are to be provi­ded for under inheri­tance law and the trans­fe­ree and the business are not to be exposed to existen­ti­al­ly threa­tening situa­tions later on. Dispu­tes are to be avoided and at the same time the trans­fer­or wants relia­ble securi­ty for his new phase of life.

Family businesses do not only opera­te in the sunshi­ne finan­ci­al­ly, but are also exposed to storms and tempests. Profits and returns are never certain and a pensi­on model for the trans­fer­or may invol­ve dange­rous emotio­nal entan­gle­ments in the event of finan­cial bottlen­ecks in the compa­ny. What then are the alter­na­ti­ves? The sale of a business within a family, in terms of equity, the divisi­on of other assets and the securi­ty needs of the trans­fer­or, can be a correct and important alternative.

Subsi­dies help all those affec­ted by the genera­tio­nal transition

We help you get finan­cing on your feet. With the best current terms and condi­ti­ons. Often support­ed by special program­mes in the respec­ti­ve federal states. Due to our indepen­dence and neutra­li­ty, we have direct access to all renow­ned finan­cial service provi­ders in Germa­ny, Austria and Switz­er­land. In the classi­cal sense, these can be banks or savings banks. But also family offices, finan­cial inves­tors or indivi­du­als are poten­ti­al contacts for a resili­ent finan­cing of a genera­tio­nal change. Do not undere­sti­ma­te the time requi­red and the exten­si­ve prepa­ra­to­ry work for the presen­ta­ti­on to suita­ble finan­cing partners.