We will give you an initi­al value assess­ment for your compa­ny sale free of charge!

If you, as the owner or share­hol­der, wish to sell your shares or the entire compa­ny, we, as experts, will give you an initi­al value assess­ment direct­ly: confi­den­ti­al­ly, discreet­ly and only in person. 

Zur erwei­ter­ten Suche auf ?Filter einblen­den? klicken:

Sign up now for an initi­al confi­den­ti­al value assessment!

We will contact you direct­ly via one of our regio­nal offices. In a confi­den­ti­al telepho­ne call or video call, we will assess your compa­ny value free of charge.

Seat of the company
  • Germa­ny
  • Austria
  • Switz­er­land