Nils Koerber & Klaus Knuffmann bei der doppelten Auszeichnung >Best Consulting

K.E.R.N ? The succes­si­on specia­lists award­ed twice as best SME consul­tants in Germany

K.E.R.N ? Die Nachfolge­spezialisten ? was award­ed a double prize as best medium-sized business consul­tants by the business magazi­ne Wirtschafts­Wo­che on 15 Novem­ber in Düssel­dorf. For the first time, Wirtschafts­Wo­che had also announ­ced its annual compe­ti­ti­on ?Best of Consul­ting? for awards as Germany’s best consul­tants for specia­li­sed, smaller manage­ment consultancies.

In the summer of this year, the adviso­ry group K.E.R.N ? Die Nachfolge­spezialisten decided to take part in the most compre­hen­si­ve consul­tant check in Germa­ny. With detail­ed project and process descrip­ti­ons as well as many client referen­ces, the group appli­ed for this signi­fi­cant award.

Under the direc­tion of indus­try experts Dr Hösel­barth and Prof Wellejus, the custo­mers were inter­view­ed indivi­du­al­ly and the reference project was evalua­ted by a jury of experts.

The SME consul­tants from K.E,R.N demons­tra­ted in parti­cu­lar their process quali­ty in succes­si­on planning for smaller compa­nies. In additi­on to intra-family succes­si­on, non-family genera­tio­nal change is becoming incre­asing­ly important. Current­ly, about 50% of all German family businesses will be affec­ted by the succes­si­on issue by 2020. Many small and medium-sized compa­nies in parti­cu­lar are insuf­fi­ci­ent­ly or not at all prepared for the upcoming genera­tio­nal change.

On Tuesday evening, the founder of K.E.R.N, Nils Koerber, together with his partners, was honou­red with the “K.E.R.N. Award” at a cerem­o­ny at the Inter­con­ti­nen­tal in Düssel­dorf. first place for the best reputa­ti­on of satis­fied custo­mers in recep­ti­on. Another Award for Project Excel­lence in the M & A segment (compa­ny sale/purchase) charac­te­ri­sed the lean proces­ses in the SME consultancy.

For Nils Koerber, this honour is a confir­ma­ti­on of the indivi­du­al­ly tailo­red and custo­mer-orien­ted advice: “We are very pleased about these presti­gious awards. For all partners and employees of K.E.R.N at the 20 locati­ons in Germa­ny, Austria and Switz­er­land, this is a signi­fi­cant recogni­ti­on of the daily consul­ting work around business succes­si­on in medium-sized companies?

Since its founda­ti­on in 2004, K.E.R.N has focused exclu­si­ve­ly on business succes­si­on. With its services for medium-sized family businesses, K.E.R.N has meanwhile develo­ped into one of the leading and largest consul­ting groups for the topic of business succes­si­on in the D-A-CH region. K.E.R.N is the only manage­ment consul­tancy in the German-speaking region that not only accom­pa­nies purcha­se and sale projects in the context of succes­si­on soluti­ons, but also advises on intra-family genera­tio­nal changes in family businesses.

Current­ly, 11 business media­tors or syste­mic coaches are active in the team of advisors. With great exper­ti­se, they accom­pa­ny old and young on their joint path to hando­ver and takeover.

The ‘Best of Consul­ting’ award was presen­ted by Wirtschafts­Wo­che magazi­ne for the eighth time. For the first time, Germany’s most compre­hen­si­ve consul­tant check also included the award “Best of Consul­ting for medium-sized consul­tanci­es”. The prizes were award­ed in seven catego­ries, inclu­ding “Best Reputa­ti­on”. See herewho else has recei­ved an award.

Tips for further reading:

Lack of entre­pre­neurs becomes a future issue in the SME sector 

Prepa­ring for business succes­si­on ? 3 practi­cal tips

Advice traps in the process of business succession

Selling a business: Why a pure success fee makes it diffi­cult to provi­de serious advice

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

Free webinars on business succession

Photos: ©K.E.R.N - The Succes­si­on Specialists