KERN System GmbH
Managing Director Nils Koerber
Heinrich-Heine-Str. 111
28211 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 69208840
Commercial register: HRB 35049 AG Bremen
VAT ID No. DE 326987533
Responsibility for content
Nils Koerber (for contact details see address above)
Additional information about all legally independent KERN partners on this homepage:
We are an advisory group in which all partners and locations are legally independent conduct their business. We are therefore expressly not a partnership in the sense of the German legal conception. Joint and several liability is excluded as a matter of principle.
We are independent and not an appendix of any “construction” or in the obligation of a third party. Likewise, we are in no way a financial service provider according to the requirements of BAFIN. Likewise, we do not grant or broker loans.
This imprint also applies to other social media channels, such as on Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, etc.
Disclaimer, copyright and liability
KERN-System GmbH is committed to keeping this website up to date and accurate. However, should you come across anything that is out of date or incorrect, we would appreciate it if you would let us know. Please point out where on the site you read the information. We will then take care of it as soon as possible. Please send your feedback to: moc.eglofhcansnemhenretnu-nrek@ofni.
We accept no liability for any loss resulting from inaccuracy or incompleteness, nor for any loss or dissemination of information through the Internet, such as disruption or interruption. When using internet forms, we aim to minimise the number of fields required. KERN-System GmbH accepts no liability for any losses resulting from the use of data, instructions or ideas recommended or originating from KERN-System GmbH.
Replies and data protection requests sent by e-mail or via an Internet form are treated in the same way as letters. This means that you can expect a reply from us within one month at the latest. In the case of large requests, we will let you know within one month if we need a maximum of three months.
Any personal information you provide to us within the context of your response or request will only be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
KERN-System GmbH will take every reasonable measure to protect its system against any form of unlawful use. KERN-System GmbH will implement suitable technologies and organisational measures for this purpose, taking into account the current state of the art. However, it is not responsible for any direct and/or indirect loss of any kind incurred by a user of the website arising from the unlawful use of the third-party system.
KERN-System GmbH accepts no responsibility for the content of websites to which or from which a hyperlink or other reference leads. Products or services offered by third parties will be treated according to the terms and conditions of those third parties.
Any intellectual property rights to content on this website are owned by KERN-System GmbH.
Copying, distributing or any other use of this material is not permitted without the written permission of KERN-System GmbH, unless otherwise agreed or exempted by applicable law (such as the right to quote), as long as the specific content does not dictate otherwise.
If you have any questions or problems with the availability of the website, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Image rights
Business card photo created by -
People photo created by tirachardz -