Company sale GygMa GmbH

GygMa GmbH- Compa­ny sale

Company sale GygMa GmbH

About the company 

A subsi­dia­ry of GygMa GmbH distri­bu­tes various models of reading magni­fiers for shopping trolleys, as they are available to custo­mers in many sales outlets. They are both reading aids to check small print infor­ma­ti­on and carri­ers for adver­ti­sing messa­ges. The magni­fier models are high-tech products: unbre­aka­ble, non-flamma­ble, easy to assem­ble and clean, and comple­te­ly harmless to health. They are available in count­less colours for almost all common trolley models.

The owner wanted to retire from the business for perso­nal reasons. He had the choice of either gradu­al­ly liqui­da­ting the business or motivat­ing a suita­ble successor.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The task 

KERN was tasked with finding a succes­sor for the compa­ny. The task began with the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, follo­wed by the search for purcha­se candi­da­tes as well as their scree­ning, and final­ly ended with the accom­p­animent of the sales negotiations.

Since the business had been run by a single person for years with very little effort, the abili­ty to hand it over was limit­ed. Prospec­ti­ve buyers were looking for a commer­ci­al­ly sound struc­tu­re and found it rather diffi­cult to deal with the small size of the object for sale. Conse­quent­ly, only buyers who wanted to conti­nue and expand a niche business in a similar way came into questi­on. It was not only the matching of seller and buyer that was challen­ging, where perso­nal trust was central. Since the sale ended up being cross-border, new trans­fer channels also had to be formu­la­ted and examined.

What the client says about the project

Mr Markus Gygax:

What looked like a simple sale at the begin­ning turned into a rather complex and someti­mes frust­ra­ting affair over time. What proved diffi­cult at first was the low level of under­stan­ding of many prospec­ti­ve buyers for my small but fine business. They often expec­ted high turno­ver and profit volumes or a proper business struc­tu­re. Accor­ding to my under­stan­ding, this made little sense becau­se profi­ta­bi­li­ty was also given on a small scale. The trans­fer of the Swiss compa­ny to a German buyer then proved to be another chall­enge. Here, many details had to be checked and clari­fied in both directions.

KERN, with Daniel Heuer, accom­pa­nied me and the buyer over several months with commit­ment, patience and empathy and repea­ted­ly ensured that the cart did not get stuck. Thanks to his support, I now know that my business is in good hands. The buyer is not only passio­na­te about the business, but is also trying out various new things that I didn’t have time for?

About the buyer

The buying couple not only conti­nues the existing business, but reposi­ti­ons it as an indivi­dua­li­sed adver­ti­sing campaign. Thus the magni­fy­ing glass becomes prima­ri­ly the carri­er of an adver­ti­sing messa­ge; the reading aid becomes secon­da­ry. The strong ancho­ring of the buyer in the adver­ti­sing indus­try sets new impulses.

The parties have agreed not to disclo­se the identi­ty of the buyer.