Selling a business - 5 measu­res to make your business fit for sale

The challenges of clima­te change are enorm­ous and requi­re effec­ti­ve soluti­ons. We are current­ly experi­en­cing the effects of the Corona crisis - compa­ny sales are also affec­ted. Digita­li­sa­ti­on has been on the minds of compa­nies in Germa­ny for some time, but there is still a considera­ble way to go. The demogra­phic turnaround of the coming years will lead to a forced reduc­tion in the labour force poten­ti­al and a conco­mi­tant reduc­tion in the number of compa­ny founders. This is regrettable from an econo­mic point of view ? but it is a fact.

Corpo­ra­te sales have become a buyer’s market

Parti­cu­lar­ly in the case of the sale of compa­nies outside the family, the search for a suita­ble compa­ny buyer becomes a battle for the best brains. The so-called “war for talents”, becau­se the number of family-inter­nal compa­ny succes­si­ons has also decli­ned rapidly in recent years. Fewer and fewer sons and daugh­ters want to follow in their parents’ foots­teps. A successful­ly comple­ted degree with subse­quent career and promo­ti­on oppor­tu­ni­ties seems to be the more promi­sing option for many entre­pre­neu­ri­al child­ren. In contrast to the someti­mes strenuous entre­pre­neu­ri­al life of their parents. The result of this develo­p­ment is a buyer’s market in business succes­si­on. Compa­ny buyers of the new genera­ti­on proceed in a very ratio­nal and struc­tu­red way when selec­ting and analy­sing possi­ble purcha­se objects.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Estab­li­shing the succes­si­on capabi­li­ty for the sale in good time helps!

For this reason, it pays to estab­lish a company’s succes­si­on capabi­li­ty for the sale of the business early on. With these five measu­res you play it safe:

  • Ensure future viabi­li­ty for the sale of the business: Entre­pre­neurs should defini­te­ly secure their existing business model and make it fit for the future.
  • Safeguar­ding econo­mic success: Sustain­ab­ly profi­ta­ble compa­nies pay an entre­pre­neu­ri­al wage in line with the market, earn a positi­ve interest rate on equity capital and accor­din­gly price in the entre­pre­neu­ri­al risk.
  • Trans­fera­bi­li­ty produ­ce: If possi­ble, compa­ny owners should alrea­dy try to detach themsel­ves from the opera­ti­ve business before the hando­ver. A compa­ny that is indepen­dent of the entre­pre­neu­ri­al perso­na­li­ty in its day-to-day business is easier to sell.
  • Early succes­si­on planning: Good prepa­ra­ti­on for the sale of a business takes time and should take setbacks into account. The DIHK there­fo­re recom­mends dealing with the topic for the first time from the age of 55 at the latest.
  • Succes­si­on specia­lists integra­te: Transac­tion-experi­en­ced advisors develop a succes­si­on concept for the sale of the compa­ny. They accom­pa­ny the process from A to Z beyond tax and legal advice. In additi­on, you ensure a high degree of discre­ti­on in the search for a buyer, identi­fy conflicts at an early stage and reduce the risk of expen­si­ve restarts or project aborti­ons in the sale of the compa­ny through strin­gent process support.

The appeal is direc­ted at all those respon­si­ble in equal measu­re: Good prepa­ra­ti­on for the sale of a compa­ny pays off for compa­nies in the long term. Becau­se every unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­on endan­gers jobs and weakens both the econo­mic power and the prospe­ri­ty of the region.

For further questi­ons on the timely prepa­ra­ti­on of your compa­ny sale, please feel free to contact us by telepho­ne at: +49 8331 ? 984 93 24 or by e-mail to: .

TIPS for further reading:

The compa­ny hando­ver: when is the right time?
Compa­ny exchan­ges: The search for buyers for the sale of a company
Talking helps! Also for business succession!
3 reasons why infla­ted compa­ny valua­tions prevent successions