Your personal roadmap to the anonymous KERN - MarktWertCheck
In the DACH region, over 50% of family businesses in all three countries are now heading towards business succession
(Source DIHK Study 2018, IFM-Bonn and KERN Succession Study 2017 + 2020).
The pace of ageing of owners and shareholders is increasing so rapidly,
that a good 60% will already be reached in 2022.
The challenge: With the retirement of the baby boomers, there is a dramatic slump in demographic succession. There is not only a lack of employees at all levels, but also of founders and successors as company leaders.
And the economic climate is becoming harsher and tends to be more unpleasant. Gradually, but visibly.
Secure your assets, safeguard the jobs of your employees and start your succession project! Anonymously check your ideal time to sell with the KERN-MarktWertCheck.
If not now, when?
The right time -
The examination of your possible company sale requires the highest level of professionalism and discretion at the same time. Trust the Statements from our customers or have a look at one of our National cooperation an. Upon request, we will be happy to name specific contact persons who can give you a personal statement on our performance. Check our values for cooperation.
References for your safety -
You explain your company, its history and tell us the basis of your business concept and the objectives of your anonymous MarktWertCheck. Would you like to sell or check the current market value for your company?
At what point and at what value would a sale be interesting for you and under what premises would you want to continue your business for the time being?
In this detailed prelude to our cooperation, we want to fully understand your company and the figures that go with it.
The start of our cooperation -
We review your documents and discuss the next steps of the anonymous KERN-MarktWertCheck with you (stumbling blocks for a sale, measures for preparation, special features in the anonymous bidding process, data preparation for a possible, later buyer check, definition of the scope of the sale, etc.) What should be sold, what should possibly not be sold?
In the case of a “direct” sale of a company, we would now inform you about valuation procedures at this point.
With the anonymous KERN-MarktWertCheck, there is no need for the effort and investment required for this determination. We let the potential investors and buyers estimate and justify the price of your company for a possible sale.
Thus, in this special procedure, you retain the freedom to choose the possible buyers who not only offer you a solid and fair purchase price, but also present a good concept for the continuation of your business. The bidding procedure used in your case “guarantees” the possible, maximum price from the market’s point of view.
We inform you about our personal value assessment from the figures of your company known to us and compare this price perspective in an exchange with you.
Value assessment -
We prepare your data in a discussable outline, form and structure (preparation analogous to the content of your company’s future exposé ? You will receive a checklist to support KERN).
From the answers to our questions and the data provided by you, a completely anonymous sales exposé is created in one of the next steps.
Sales documents and distribution -
We prepare an anonymous information memorandum (exposé), if necessary also in foreign languages of your choice or necessity of the target group (at cost). This also integrates the most important key business figures of the past, present and future.
We make sure that the description of your business model is rather abstract so that no identification can take place. This means that, as a rule, no competitor on the market can recognise that you are on the way with your company in a possible succession plan.
This memorandum will be reviewed and approved by you.
As a precaution, we discuss a ‘deal design’ with variants for you and potential buyers. Should you decide on a transaction after the MarktWertCheck, you will be well prepared and able to make a decision quickly.
This includes, among other things: What can different scenarios look like for different buyers?
What is the legal and tax significance and impact of this?
From our preliminary discussions, we now finally define the primary and secondary buyer groups and draw up a list of all potential interested parties.
This extensive preparation serves the purpose of addressing strategic prospective buyers and potential financial and private investors in a precisely fitting manner.
This list is also checked and approved by you.
In this way, we ensure that only those potential buyers are approached who you would ideally also accept.
Since security and discretion have top priority in this procedure, we emphasise once again at this point the safeguarding through your control of the documents: All anonymous representations of your company are checked and explicitly released by you. In this way, you know exactly what others can learn about your company and always remain the decision-maker in the process.
In parallel, if you wish, we can already inform you about possible audit procedures of a transferee and prepare you with detailed checklists for a professional data presentation.
We contact the potential buyers in writing and, if necessary, by telephone and transmit initial anonymous data in the form of an extended brief description (teaser).
Extended by individual or telephone interviews.
The target buyer groups must submit an initial, indicative offer for their company by a specified date. Anyone who is not interested is then out of the anonymous bidding process at this point.
The needle in the haystack -
In addition to the aforementioned targeted individual approach, we use our contacts to partners, banks and several thousand suitable MBI candidates as well as national and international M&A networks with a good 300,000 screened interested parties on request. Optionally, we also use the most important company exchanges anonymously. Only with the reduced short description (teaser). You will always receive the CVs or other company details from investors before the detailed and anonymised information memorandum is handed over.
Only with your approval do we deepen the exchange of information. Due to the clearly structured process flow and predefined times, all interested parties approached must decide for or against an interest and a value indication.
In addition to the anonymity of the documents, the following applies: With the first value indication by the potential buyer and a further release on your part, the interested party can receive the further, anonymous company data from the memorandum for a further value indication against the signing of a separate confidentiality agreement.
So there are two query rounds:
Round 1 by teaser gives the first, rough indication of value.
Round 2 with non-disclosure agreement and the memorandum, results in the second, more resilient purchase price offer by the potential buyer.
Afterwards, you decide on further steps or cancel the process.
We select and qualify the interested parties via the submitted purchase price offers. You receive a clear overview of all offers and thus have a real market estimate of the possible value and purchase price of your company.
The purchase price offers received, the derivation of the buyers’ price expectations and possible indications for the further orientation of your company after a handover provide you with a clear picture for a possible decision.
Now the wheat has been separated from the chaff.
The KERN-MarktWertCheck process is now complete.
You are in the comfortable situation of being able to realistically assess the market situation for the sale of your company and have time to make a decision in peace.
Thanks to the complete anonymity of this procedure, you can continue your business or decide directly to sell and enter into concrete negotiations with the most interesting buyers.
A pleasant selection!
Break or sale? -
If you are now flirting with a timely sale, you can find out about the further process steps for a desired transaction via the following link: Information sale
We are happy to remain by your side and can seamlessly implement the sale of your business if you wish.
You have successfully achieved your goal ? You know what the market is willing to invest in your company in real terms in the event of a sale.
Or you have decided to implement the sale right now.
Either way - with the KERN-MarktWertCheck you received facts, remained anonymous and were able to make your decision in freedom with the result.
Congratulations on this strategically significant achievement and implementation.

The 7 most expensive business valuation mistakes for buyers or sellers
You will learn which factors are value drivers and value destroyers. And you will learn how to avoid the 7 most expensive mistakes in a Business valuation from the point of view of the buyer or seller.