Your perso­nal roadmap to the anony­mous KERN - MarktWertCheck

  • We specia­li­se in assis­ting medium-sized compa­nies in all aspects of corpo­ra­te succes­si­on and M&A.
  • We maximi­se the proba­bi­li­ty of success in corpo­ra­te transac­tions with our know-how.
  • KERN has a profes­sio­nal team of over 25 specia­lists in its partner circle with their own, opera­tio­nal and entre­pre­neu­ri­al experience.
  • We maintain over 6,000 ongoing contacts with prospec­ti­ve buyers in our own databa­se of invest­ment compa­nies, finan­cial inves­tors, VC compa­nies (venture capital), MBI ? candi­da­tes (indivi­du­al buyers), banks and strate­gic investors.
  • Natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly, we are connec­ted to the most renow­ned networks for the purcha­se and sale of compa­nies. Behind this are a good 300,000 contacts to inves­tors for your successful compa­ny sale.
German Customer-Awards 2024
  • In the DACH region, over 50% of family businesses in all three count­ries are now heading towards business succession

    (Source DIHK Study 2018, IFM-Bonn and KERN Succes­si­on Study 2017 + 2020).

    The pace of ageing of owners and share­hol­ders is incre­asing so rapidly,

    that a good 60% will alrea­dy be reached in 2022.

    The chall­enge: With the retire­ment of the baby boomers, there is a drama­tic slump in demogra­phic succes­si­on. There is not only a lack of employees at all levels, but also of founders and succes­sors as compa­ny leaders.

    And the econo­mic clima­te is becoming harsher and tends to be more unplea­sant. Gradu­al­ly, but visibly.

    Secure your assets, safeguard the jobs of your employees and start your succes­si­on project! Anony­mously check your ideal time to sell with the KERN-MarktWertCheck.

    If not now, when?

    The right time
  • Screenshot der KERN Auszeichnungen beste Berater und Top Consultant 2019

    The exami­na­ti­on of your possi­ble compa­ny sale requi­res the highest level of profes­sio­na­lism and discre­ti­on at the same time. Trust the State­ments from our custo­mers or have a look at one of our Natio­nal coope­ra­ti­on an. Upon request, we will be happy to name speci­fic contact persons who can give you a perso­nal state­ment on our perfor­mance. Check our values for cooperation.

    Referen­ces for your safety
  • Zoom-Ansicht eines Mitarbeiters während der Arbeit am Laptop

    You explain your compa­ny, its histo­ry and tell us the basis of your business concept and the objec­ti­ves of your anony­mous Markt­Wert­Check. Would you like to sell or check the current market value for your company?

    At what point and at what value would a sale be interes­t­ing for you and under what premi­ses would you want to conti­nue your business for the time being?

    In this detail­ed prelude to our coope­ra­ti­on, we want to fully under­stand your compa­ny and the figures that go with it.

    The start of our cooperation
  • Das Entscheider Seminar zur persönlichen Vorbereitung einer Unternehmensnachfolge

    As far as known, you provi­de us with the insider infor­ma­ti­on about the indus­try and the market neces­sa­ry for marke­ting. We supple­ment this infor­ma­ti­on with facts from our expert network and databases.

  • Ein Mann im Anzug schaut durch ein Fernglas

    We get a pictu­re of the indus­try, the condi­ti­ons in the market as well as the future market develo­p­ment in connec­tion with the possi­ble buyer target groups.

  • Mindmap zu Strategie mit Planung, Kompetenz, Weitsicht, Zielen, Finanzen uvm.

    We review your documents and discuss the next steps of the anony­mous KERN-Markt­Wert­Check with you (stumb­ling blocks for a sale, measu­res for prepa­ra­ti­on, special features in the anony­mous bidding process, data prepa­ra­ti­on for a possi­ble, later buyer check, defini­ti­on of the scope of the sale, etc.) What should be sold, what should possi­bly not be sold?

  • In the case of a “direct” sale of a compa­ny, we would now inform you about valua­ti­on proce­du­res at this point.


    With the anony­mous KERN-Markt­Wert­Check, there is no need for the effort and invest­ment requi­red for this deter­mi­na­ti­on. We let the poten­ti­al inves­tors and buyers estima­te and justi­fy the price of your compa­ny for a possi­ble sale.


    Thus, in this special proce­du­re, you retain the freedom to choose the possi­ble buyers who not only offer you a solid and fair purcha­se price, but also present a good concept for the conti­nua­tion of your business. The bidding proce­du­re used in your case “guaran­tees” the possi­ble, maximum price from the market’s point of view.

    We inform you about our perso­nal value assess­ment from the figures of your compa­ny known to us and compa­re this price perspec­ti­ve in an exchan­ge with you.

    Value assess­ment
  • Eine weiße Tastatur mit einem orangenem Klebezettel darauf: Anonym

    We prepa­re your data in a discussa­ble outline, form and struc­tu­re (prepa­ra­ti­on analog­ous to the content of your company’s future exposé ? You will recei­ve a check­list to support KERN).

    From the answers to our questi­ons and the data provi­ded by you, a comple­te­ly anony­mous sales exposé is created in one of the next steps.

    Sales documents and distribution
  • Stark lächelnder Mann, der die Hand zur italienisches Geste für bene hebt

    We work with you to develop arguments for possi­ble inves­tor questi­ons on the anony­mous documents and joint­ly check the sustaina­bi­li­ty of the arguments.

  • Exposé-Deckblatt der Time Work GmbH mit Foto einer Industrielandschaft

    We prepa­re an anony­mous infor­ma­ti­on memoran­dum (exposé), if neces­sa­ry also in foreign languages of your choice or neces­si­ty of the target group (at cost). This also integra­tes the most important key business figures of the past, present and future.

    We make sure that the descrip­ti­on of your business model is rather abstract so that no identi­fi­ca­ti­on can take place. This means that, as a rule, no compe­ti­tor on the market can recog­ni­se that you are on the way with your compa­ny in a possi­ble succes­si­on plan.

    This memoran­dum will be review­ed and appro­ved by you.

  • Blick auf ein paar Füße an einem Scheideweg stehend

    As a precau­ti­on, we discuss a ‘deal design’ with variants for you and poten­ti­al buyers. Should you decide on a transac­tion after the Markt­Wert­Check, you will be well prepared and able to make a decis­i­on quickly.

    This includes, among other things: What can diffe­rent scena­ri­os look like for diffe­rent buyers?

    What is the legal and tax signi­fi­can­ce and impact of this?


  • Grafik von 7 schwarzen Männchen mit einem orangenen Männchen in der Mitte

    From our preli­mi­na­ry discus­sions, we now final­ly define the prima­ry and secon­da­ry buyer groups and draw up a list of all poten­ti­al interes­ted parties.

    This exten­si­ve prepa­ra­ti­on serves the purpo­se of addres­sing strate­gic prospec­ti­ve buyers and poten­ti­al finan­cial and priva­te inves­tors in a precis­e­ly fitting manner.

    This list is also checked and appro­ved by you.

    In this way, we ensure that only those poten­ti­al buyers are approa­ched who you would ideal­ly also accept.

  • Eine Hand hakt Punkte einer Liste mit Häkchen ab

    Since securi­ty and discre­ti­on have top priori­ty in this proce­du­re, we empha­sise once again at this point the safeguar­ding through your control of the documents: All anony­mous repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of your compa­ny are checked and expli­cit­ly released by you. In this way, you know exact­ly what others can learn about your compa­ny and always remain the decis­i­on-maker in the process.

    In paral­lel, if you wish, we can alrea­dy inform you about possi­ble audit proce­du­res of a trans­fe­ree and prepa­re you with detail­ed check­lists for a profes­sio­nal data presentation.

  • Eine Nadel mit blauem Kopf im Heuhaufen steckend

    We contact the poten­ti­al buyers in writing and, if neces­sa­ry, by telepho­ne and trans­mit initi­al anony­mous data in the form of an exten­ded brief descrip­ti­on (teaser).

    Exten­ded by indivi­du­al or telepho­ne interviews.

    The target buyer groups must submit an initi­al, indica­ti­ve offer for their compa­ny by a speci­fied date. Anyone who is not interes­ted is then out of the anony­mous bidding process at this point.

    The needle in the haystack
  • Mann im hält links eine Packung Eier mit Fragezeichen und rechts eine Lupe hoch

    In additi­on to the afore­men­tio­ned targe­ted indivi­du­al approach, we use our contacts to partners, banks and several thousand suita­ble MBI candi­da­tes as well as natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal M&A networks with a good 300,000 scree­ned interes­ted parties on request. Optio­nal­ly, we also use the most important compa­ny exchan­ges anony­mously. Only with the reduced short descrip­ti­on (teaser). You will always recei­ve the CVs or other compa­ny details from inves­tors before the detail­ed and anony­mi­sed infor­ma­ti­on memoran­dum is handed over.

    Only with your approval do we deepen the exchan­ge of infor­ma­ti­on. Due to the clear­ly struc­tu­red process flow and prede­fi­ned times, all interes­ted parties approa­ched must decide for or against an interest and a value indication.

  • Eine Tastatur mit einer leuchtend roten Taste und der Aufschrift "Datenschutz"

    In additi­on to the anony­mi­ty of the documents, the follo­wing appli­es: With the first value indica­ti­on by the poten­ti­al buyer and a further release on your part, the interes­ted party can recei­ve the further, anony­mous compa­ny data from the memoran­dum for a further value indica­ti­on against the signing of a separa­te confi­den­tia­li­ty agreement.


    So there are two query rounds:

    Round 1 by teaser gives the first, rough indica­ti­on of value.

    Round 2 with non-disclo­sure agree­ment and the memoran­dum, results in the second, more resili­ent purcha­se price offer by the poten­ti­al buyer.


    After­wards, you decide on further steps or cancel the process.

  • Nahaufnahme eine Weizenähre vor blauem Himmel

    We select and quali­fy the interes­ted parties via the submit­ted purcha­se price offers. You recei­ve a clear overview of all offers and thus have a real market estima­te of the possi­ble value and purcha­se price of your company.

    The purcha­se price offers recei­ved, the deriva­ti­on of the buyers’ price expec­ta­ti­ons and possi­ble indica­ti­ons for the further orien­ta­ti­on of your compa­ny after a hando­ver provi­de you with a clear pictu­re for a possi­ble decision.

    Now the wheat has been separa­ted from the chaff.

  • Hand schreibt mit blauem Marker an eine Scheibe: What´s your Dream?

    The KERN-Markt­Wert­Check process is now complete.

    You are in the comfor­ta­ble situa­ti­on of being able to reali­sti­cal­ly assess the market situa­ti­on for the sale of your compa­ny and have time to make a decis­i­on in peace.

    Thanks to the comple­te anony­mi­ty of this proce­du­re, you can conti­nue your business or decide direct­ly to sell and enter into concre­te negotia­ti­ons with the most interes­t­ing buyers.

    A pleasant selection!

    Break or sale?
  • Ein Berater schüttelt einem Kunden die Hand und lächelt dabei

    If you are now flirting with a timely sale, you can find out about the further process steps for a desired transac­tion via the follo­wing link: Infor­ma­ti­on sale


    We are happy to remain by your side and can seamless­ly imple­ment the sale of your business if you wish.

  • You have successful­ly achie­ved your goal ? You know what the market is willing to invest in your compa­ny in real terms in the event of a sale.


    Or you have decided to imple­ment the sale right now.


    Either way - with the KERN-Markt­Wert­Check you recei­ved facts, remain­ed anony­mous and were able to make your decis­i­on in freedom with the result.

    Congra­tu­la­ti­ons on this strate­gi­cal­ly signi­fi­cant achie­ve­ment and implementation.


Why now?Enthu­si­a­stic custo­mersThe analy­sisInsider knowledgeMarket reviewSales strategyValue indica­ti­on from the buyer’s perspec­ti­veAnony­mous compa­ny portraitConvin­ceThe eye eats with youClari­tyWho, where and howYou decide. Always.Inter­na­tio­nal and/or natio­nalTapping targe­ted sourcesObliga­ti­on of confi­den­tia­li­tyCriti­cal selec­tionThe decis­i­onFreedomClari­ty - One way or the other!

The 7 most expen­si­ve business valua­ti­on mista­kes for buyers or sellers

You will learn which factors are value drivers and value destroy­ers. And you will learn how to avoid the 7 most expen­si­ve mista­kes in a Business valua­ti­on from the point of view of the buyer or seller.