Together at your side for compa­ny succes­si­on in the SME sector

Our partner offer for COMMERZBANK customers

Compa­ny sale

Over 110,000 selec­ted buyer profiles for your family business

Genera­ti­on change

We accom­pa­ny your succes­si­on for the preser­va­ti­on of value in the family

Compa­ny acquisition

Selec­ted compa­nies for your invest­ment in the SME sector

How and where do you find the right buyer for your company?

We answer your questi­ons and advise you on site

What is your compa­ny really worth?

We evalua­te your compa­ny accor­ding to recog­nis­ed standards

Who is the right buyer for the future?

We screen and analy­se inves­tors for the best selection

Who masters the complex process of a succession?

We do nothing else. Expert knowledge from over 650 succes­si­on cases

The experi­ence and focus of our KERN experts gives you peace of mind for one of the most important questi­ons about the future of your business.

What diffe­ren­tia­tes us from other consultants

Known from numerous publications

So that you make the right decis­i­on ? our promi­se on our services for the sale of a company

Fitness Check

Fitness check to test the salea­bi­li­ty and deter­mi­ne the value of the compa­ny accor­ding to recog­nis­ed proce­du­res as well as deter­mi­na­ti­on of the sales strategy (e.g. bidding procedure).


Creati­on of a sales-effec­ti­ve exposé and an anony­mous short profi­le to address prospec­ti­ve buyers. Becau­se the first impres­si­on is decisive.

Buyer search

Identi­fi­ca­ti­on, coordi­na­ti­on and approach of poten­ti­al buyers as well as targe­ted search in the best compa­ny exchanges.

Bid evalua­ti­on

Exami­na­ti­on of suita­ble offers and negotia­ti­ons with the best possi­ble interes­ted parties until the conclu­si­on of a preli­mi­na­ry agree­ment (LOI)

Due Diligence

Due diligence by the buyer, negotia­ti­on and conclu­si­on of the sale and purcha­se agreement.

Post Merger Integration

A well planned Post Merger Integra­ti­on ensures a clean hando­ver and repres­ents one of the most important success factors of an M&A transaction. 

What custo­mers and business partners say about us


He is very famili­ar with the concerns of SMEs and has always been an excel­lent contact person and facili­ta­tor to steer the bridges along the indivi­du­al needs in a meaningful way. For the buyer, he was active as a relia­ble and actively shaping partner to point out the gaps in action and knowledge well to accom­pa­ny meaningful progress.

Ali Sahin

Managing Partner at EPSa


I have learned to appre­cia­te Mr Koerber’s work and commit­ment very much and I do not regret having turned to him at the time. Without him we would not have come to a successful conclu­si­on. Mr Koerber was convin­cing profes­sio­nal­ly and perso­nal­ly across the board.

Former share­hol­der



Parti­cu­lar­ly notewor­t­hy is the sensi­ti­vi­ty to our needs and the excel­lent modera­ti­on in this challen­ging task for us. Through the under­stan­ding of our indus­try and knowledge of the relevant buyer target groups, almost 40 high-calib­re buyers became aware of our compa­ny within a very short time.

Beate and Hugo Allemann

Former share­hol­ders of Max Allemann Werkzeug­bau AG