KERN Beitragsbild Betriebsnachfolge

Business succes­si­on: guide­book and contact points

Business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector is a signi­fi­cant chall­enge, with at least 125,000 family businesses looking for a succes­sor in the next five years (source ZDH-Zentral­ver­band des Deutschen Handwerks). Successful hando­vers requi­re timely planning, reali­stic assess­ment and profes­sio­nal support.

Read short­ly

  • Business succes­si­on is crucial for entre­pre­neurs who want to hand over their business.
  • Careful planning and early identi­fi­ca­ti­on of poten­ti­al acqui­rers are important.
  • A reali­stic compa­ny valua­ti­on is essen­ti­al for successful negotiations.
  • Suita­ble succes­sors with entre­pre­neu­ri­al skills are of great importance for the successful conti­nua­tion of the German skilled crafts sector.
  • Craft enter­pri­ses have speci­fic contact points for support.
  • Timely planning ensures a smooth transition.
  • Clever tax planning saves costs.
  • Common mista­kes: unsui­ta­ble trans­fe­rees, overe­sti­ma­ti­on of the company’s value, struc­tu­ral problems in the business.

The business succes­si­on at a glance

Grafik zum Überblick der Betriebsnachfolge im Handwerk

Business succes­si­on is an important step for every entre­pre­neur who wants to pass his or her business into good hands. There are various ways to organi­se this process. A central aspect is the search for a suita­ble succes­sor for the business.

The first step in succes­si­on is careful planning. This invol­ves formu­la­ting one’s own vision for the future of the business and deter­mi­ning when and to whom the hando­ver should take place. It is important to identi­fy poten­ti­al succes­sors at an early stage and to approach possi­ble candi­da­tes confidentially.

A further step is to calcu­la­te the value of the business. Here it is of great importance to reali­sti­cal­ly assess the value of the business and thus create a fair basis for negotia­ti­ons with poten­ti­al acqui­rers. Factors such as turno­ver develo­p­ment, custo­mer base, employees, tangi­ble and intan­gi­ble assets play a role here.

The search for a suita­ble business succes­sor is often a complex task. In additi­on to inter­nal succes­si­on, in which an employee or a family member takes over the business, an exter­nal takeover can also be conside­red. In this case, interes­ted parties, inves­tors or other compa­nies can be poten­ti­al takeover candi­da­tes. Often from the direct compe­ti­ti­ve environment.

Once a suita­ble succes­sor has been found, the hando­ver process begins. Here, all the details of the hando­ver are clari­fied, such as the timing, the contrac­tu­al modali­ties and the trans­fer of respon­si­bi­li­ty. A careful hando­ver is crucial to ensure the smooth conti­nua­tion of the business.

For craft enter­pri­ses in parti­cu­lar, there are speci­fic contact points and advice centres (HWK) that can provi­de support with business succes­si­on. These offer infor­ma­ti­on on legal and tax issues, but also on finan­cing options and funding program­mes for successors.

Overall, business succes­si­on is an exten­si­ve process that requi­res thorough planning and prepa­ra­ti­on. By addres­sing the issue in good time and invol­ving experts, a successful hando­ver of the business can be ensured.

Deter­mi­ne opera­ting value: What is your business worth?

Business valua­ti­on plays a decisi­ve role in the prepa­ra­ti­on of a business hando­ver in the context of succes­si­on. Becau­se before it comes to handing over the business into new hands, it is important to deter­mi­ne the value of the business. This value forms the basis for further steps and negotia­ti­ons in the entire process.

However, deter­mi­ning the farm value can be a complex matter. There are various ways and methods to deter­mi­ne the value of the business. Factors such as turno­ver, profit, custo­mer base, employees and materi­al assets flow into the valua­ti­on. In the skilled crafts sector, the so-called AWH method has gained a good reputa­ti­on (AWH=Arbeitskreis der Wert ermit­teln Berater im Handwerk). For larger businesses, the capita­li­sed earnings method makes sense.

Before a business is handed over, it is there­fo­re advisa­ble to deal inten­si­ve­ly with this topic. Careful prepa­ra­ti­on and a reali­stic assess­ment are essen­ti­al for a successful succession.

To help entre­pre­neurs deter­mi­ne the value of their business, KERN offers a free business value calcu­la­tor online. With this tool, owners can get a first insight (rough estima­te accor­ding to the multi­ple method) into the poten­ti­al value of their business and gain valuable thoughts for the further steps towards handing over the business.

Regard­less of whether you are alrea­dy actively conside­ring a business succes­si­on or are only in the initi­al phase, a sound business valua­ti­on sets the condi­ti­ons for a successful hando­ver. The compa­ny value calcu­la­tor from KERN offers helpful support on the way to a successful succession.

Let’s talk about valuing your business in a free initi­al consultation.

3 tips for business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector

A successful Business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector requi­res careful planning and profes­sio­nal support from platforms (e.g., contact points (business develo­p­ment agenci­es) and chambers of crafts.

Profes­sio­nal support is indispensable

Grafik zu den Merkmale eines seriösen Beraters für Betriebsübergaben

The Compa­ny succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector is a major chall­enge that requi­res careful planning and targe­ted measu­res. In order to make the process successful, profes­sio­nal support is indis­pensable. Here, specia­li­sed platforms, contact points and chambers of crafts play an important role in bringing together both business owners and poten­ti­al succes­sors and making the transi­ti­on smooth.

Platforms and contact points

Here are some important platforms and contact points at a glance:

Nexxt-Change: Nexxt-Change is a platform opera­ted by the Associa­ti­on of German Chambers of Indus­try and Commer­ce (DIHK). It is aimed speci­fi­cal­ly at entre­pre­neurs who are looking for a succes­sor for their compa­ny or who would like to take over a business themsel­ves. The platform offers a databa­se with requests and offers for business succes­si­on and enables a targe­ted search for suita­ble partners free of charge.

The German Enter­pri­se Exchan­ge: DUB is an online platform that supports business sales and business succes­si­ons. Both offers to buy and sell businesses can be found here. The platform offers a wide selec­tion of diffe­rent indus­tries and is also an interes­t­ing place for craft businesses to find poten­ti­al succes­sors. The adver­ti­se­ments are of high quali­ty overall and are often accom­pa­nied by profes­sio­nal advice. This ensures speed and reliability.

KERN Business Succes­si­on: KERN is the consul­ting firm in the entire DACH region that has specia­li­sed solely in assis­ting with compa­ny succes­si­ons for a good 20 years. In additi­on to consul­ting services, KERN also offers a compa­ny exchan­ge where owners can discreet­ly put their businesses up for sale. At the same time, KERN supports succes­sors in their search for a suita­ble compa­ny to take over.

On the KERN Compa­ny Exchan­ge you will find a large number of verified adver­ti­se­ments from buyers and sellers.

Chambers of Crafts: The Chambers of Skilled Crafts are important contact points for skilled craft­smen dealing with the topic of business succes­si­on. They offer advice and infor­ma­ti­on on legal, tax and organi­sa­tio­nal aspects of succes­si­on. In additi­on, the Chambers of Skilled Crafts often have a broad network of poten­ti­al succes­sors and can assist in finding them. Often they also prepa­re value assess­ments for craft enter­pri­ses accor­ding to the AWH procedure.

Using these platforms and contact points can consider­a­b­ly facili­ta­te and accele­ra­te the search for a suita­ble succes­sor for your craft business. Use the varie­ty of these options to reali­se a successful business succession.

Plan business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector in good time

Early planning is crucial for a smooth business succes­si­on. Give yours­elf enough time to find poten­ti­al succes­sors and careful­ly prepa­re the hando­ver process. Consider which quali­fi­ca­ti­ons and charac­te­ristics a succes­sor for your craft business should have and what goals you have for the future of the business. The better you define your ideas and requi­re­ments, the more speci­fi­cal­ly you can search for a suita­ble successor.

Skillful­ly save taxes

Skilful tax planning can bring considera­ble savings when it comes to business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector. There­fo­re, consult an experi­en­ced tax advisor early on (at least 2-3 years before a sale) who will inform you about tax aspects and struc­tu­ring options. Through a forward-looking tax strategy, you can optimi­se your finan­cial situa­ti­on and make the takeover of the craft business more attrac­ti­ve for the successor.

Common mista­kes in business succession

Common mista­kes in business succes­si­on include selec­ting unsui­ta­ble succes­sors, overe­sti­mat­ing the value of the business due to emotio­nal attach­ment, and disco­ve­ring funda­men­tal struc­tu­ral problems in the business that requi­re exter­nal advisors.

Statistische Darstellung häufiger Fehler bei der Betriebsnachfolge

Succes­sor is not a suita­ble entrepreneur

One of the crucial mista­kes is to choose an unsui­ta­ble succes­sor. It is important that the chosen succes­sor not only has the profes­sio­nal compe­tence, but also has entre­pre­neu­ri­al skills. A suita­ble succes­sor should be able to successful­ly conti­nue and develop the business. There are online portals for this, for examp­le, such as My Entre­pre­neur Checkwhich use an online assess­ment and adviso­ry coaching to test the poten­ti­al for entre­pre­neur­ship and identi­fy develo­p­ment opportunities.

Compa­ny value is overestimated

Another common mista­ke is overe­sti­mat­ing the value of the business. Under­stan­d­a­b­ly, owners have an emotio­nal attach­ment to their life’s work and tend to overe­sti­ma­te the value of the business. A reali­stic business valua­ti­on by experts is crucial to deter­mi­ne the actual market value and to conduct objec­ti­ve negotia­ti­ons with the succes­sor or acquirer.

Opera­ti­on is funda­men­tal­ly not capable of succession

Someti­mes it becomes apparent in the course of succes­si­on planning that the business has funda­men­tal struc­tu­ral problems that make a successful trans­fer of the business diffi­cult or impos­si­ble. In such cases, it may be advisa­ble to invol­ve exter­nal advisors at an early stage in order to make neces­sa­ry adjus­t­ments or to exami­ne alternatives.


Successful business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector requi­res thorough planning and profes­sio­nal support. By addres­sing the challenges early on and relying on the profes­sio­nal support of platforms, contact points and chambers of skilled crafts, entre­pre­neurs can ensure that their life’s work conti­nues in good hands and that the transi­ti­on goes smoothly.

Start with an initi­al confi­den­ti­al value assessment.